setting a random backyard unfamiliar to me. characters, 9-12 year old boy, his father, rick grimes. me as unknown observer plot boy cuts off fathers legs and arms attaches swords for arms, and scythes for legs, and then has rick grimes fight him
Two dreams that are very vague about me waking up and someone has shaved my beard off. This prompts me to get rather angry. Hopefully able to use this as a dream sign in the future.
short dream while taking a nap today was at my pizza job. there was me, my boss, and a friend. my boss was talking to my friend as if they knew each other. and i was messing around with a pizza rocker blade. it was lighter than air and kept floating away. i figured out that if i held on to it. and jumped i could almost float around. my friend and boss ignored me the whole time until i ran and jumped hitting the wall where my boss had just hung up a poster. there was nothing wrong but he got angry and tore it down. this is where my dream ended. notes: my friend has come in to this job to see me before but hasn't interacted with my boss. the only thing i can think of is i have swapped out my friend for one of the employs that kinda reminds me of them. on the rocker blade. we don't have that style off cutters. we use the normal pizza wheel kind. ... floating pizza cutters.... should have been a dead giveaway. maybe next time.
Very vauge remembrance. Driving around in my car when the sterio stops working so i pull into a shop have them look at it and fix it. I leave ad drive some more then the car stops working and a mechanic shows up and we look in the trunk to see what the problem is just to find my entire stereo system torn apart. So i drive it back to the stereo place and yell at them. Dream ends at this point Notes i have never taken my car tova stereo shop. And i also do most of my own mechanic work. May use as reality checks.