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    Awesomeness with my crush-Lucid #210+#211

    by , 08-04-2013 at 05:23 PM (587 Views)

    Making out with my crush has been a lucid goal for quite some time. I've been intending to summon her for a couple weeks but haven't remembered to do it till now.

    Lucid #210-I was in my bed trying to remember a dream I had. I couldn't remember anything which was frustrating but also unusual as I've had above average recall lately. Something didn't feel right so I did a nose plug. I could breathe. I can't be dreaming, I thought. I must have not done it right. I did another nose plug and could breathe. I got up out of bed and turned to my backup reality check, which is flying. I went out of my room, down the hall, got a running start, and flew, phasing through the sliding glass door into the backyard before landing there. I thought this would be a nice romantic spot. I put my hand behind my back and called for my crush. My strategy was to wait for her hand and then hear her voice. I stood there for a few seconds before my patience ran out and I looked behind me. I could see somebody walking in the house. Then, the sliding glass door opened. The beautiful, young, short, blond girl with medium length straight hair came out. I summoned her perfectly. I gave her a hug, which she surprisingly refused at first, but eventually gave in. I woke up.

    Darn those short lucids! Luckily it was early in the night and I still had time to get lucid again.

    Lucid #211-I was waiting on a couple of old ladies. They reminded me that they had ordered the French onion soup. Darned soups! I keep forgetting about them! I tried to go to the kitchen to get their soup when I realized I wasn't at work, I was in a sporting goods store. I went back to the ladies and let them there wasn't any French onion soup because, you know, this wasn't a restaurant. They told me to go to Bundy (which I assume is a supermarket as I live by one named Lucky). I told them I would. I walked a safe distance away, making sure they weren't aware of me. I tried summoning my crush again, using the behind the hand trick. I waited for her soft little hand this time. When I felt it, I asked if it was her and she said it was. I turned around to find again I had summoned her perfectly. I hugged her again. This one was much better, a nice full body hug. We hugged for a few seconds. "Why don't you kiss me?" I asked her. She gave me a full kiss on the lips which was incredible. We then made out, kissing each other repeatedly as the dream faded away.
    Micael and CanisLucidus like this.

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    lucid , false awakening
