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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. Spring Competition 2023 Night 3

      by , 03-04-2023 at 08:24 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      LD 1-I woke up and saw I was not in my room, which made me lucid. I was in what appeared to be a classroom. I somehow went outside into the night in a downtown area and jumped up to fly. In front of me on a road I was a huge stack of block letters which appeared to say a message, something about a warning of terrible death. I woke up while trying to read the message.

      LD 2-I woke up and saw I was not in my room, which made me lucid. I was in what appeared to be my room, except with a decoration on the wall that doesn't exist in waking life. I phased through the wall into the night in a neighborhood similar to where I live in waking life. I jumped up to fly and tried to summon a dolphin, but instead summoned a black creature, similar to a dragon without wings. I got on it's back to ride it. It flew down to the ground and started eating bugs. I asked what this is all about and he told me I had a skin infection. I asked where the skin infection was and he told me it was on my diploma and I woke up.

      These dreams appear to be related to some health concerns I had in waking life. I have rashes on each of my shoulders which appear to be getting better, but I had some mild intermittent chest pain which had me a bit concerned, but appears to have go away overnight. Its probably time for a medical checkup with the doctor.
      lucid , false awakening
    2. Amazing August Competition Night 4

      by , 08-05-2018 at 04:23 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      DILD- I woke up in bed and caught a false awakening. I floated up in the air and tried to transform into a dolphin but couldn't and woke up.

      DILD-I woke up and looked at my clock and there only one number. I phased through the floor as a reality check and phased through some walls to get outside. A lady asks me if I had seen her son, who was in a Viagra commercial. I told her I hadn't and went on my way down a street and saw a young boy walking around by himself. I figured this was the one the lady was looking for. I decided to keep an eye on the boy as I floated up into the air to try to transform into a dolphin, but couldn't. The young boy said I'm going to be a dolphin. He walked to a pool and jumped into the deep end. I jumped in after him but he was a good swimmer and swam to the shallow end. I woke up.

      DILD- I was in a waiting room with a receptionist, trying to get something taken care of. I saw one of my aunts, greeted her with a hug, and tried to explain to her what I was doing. I gradually became lucid. I looked around and thought about all the things my mind was able to create at once. I woke up in my bed to recall and write down this dream, but noticed it was unusually dark outside and I felt unusually tired. I did a nose plug and
      could breathe. I got out of bed and I floated up into the air to try to transform into a dolphin. I tried to move my eyes to the side, which worked, but resulted in me not seeing very well. I could feel my body changing into a dolphin body, but when I tried to move around, my body was heavy and could not move very well and woke up.

      DILD-I was playing with a dog in an open area, when it changed into a different dog, a medium-sized white dog with lots of sharp teeth. I thought this was pretty neat, so I tried to transform into the dog. I felt my body transforming before I woke up.
      lucid , false awakening
    3. Spellbee Competition night 3

      by , 09-04-2017 at 03:01 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      DILD-I woke up and found that my room seemed to have more light than usual and had a different floor. I RCed by trying to phase through the floor. I phased through the floor and dropped a bit, hit the ground and woke up.

      DILD-I was in my room and caught a FA somehow. I walked outside where there was a city. I jumped up to fly to try to get a better view. I tried to fly higher and faster by imagining a genie push me up. I felt something push me up, but I didn't see what it was. I was not able to fly as high and fast as I would like and spent the rest of the dream working on my flying before I woke up.

      DILD- I was in the living room of a house and realized it was a lot like another house I used to live at. I put my hand behind me to try to summon a young lady, but summoned a clone of myself instead. My clone said I needed to hurry up to do something. I looked phased through a counter into the kitchen where I say a young lady with a little boy near her. She also told me I need to hurry up and I hugged and kissed her. I woke up.

      DILD-I woke up and heard somebody say "you're welcome" outside my bedroom window. I looked around my bedroom and saw that it was different. I went outside to see it was morning. I found an open area and tried to summon an orca. I got a bottlenose, but only half of one. As a crowd of DCs were approaching, I tried to summon a dinosaur. I felt something and all of the DCs looked up in fear. Before I could look around to see it, the dream went black. I got the dream to reappear and saw lots of small dinosaurs walking around the neighborhood. I woke up.
      lucid , false awakening
    4. Spellbee Spring Competition Night 15

      by , 04-29-2017 at 04:18 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      DILD #1-I was in bed and my bed started moving. I got out of bed. I was in a large room with a raised ceiling. I jumped up to float in the air. I tried to transform into a dolphin but couldn't. I called for a genie to appear and A ghost that sort of looked like Ghandi appeared. I told him I wanted to be a dolphin and he said "Okay...Done! I have to go. I'm very busy." The genie left. I looked at my body and saw I was a dolphin! I flew around and tried to breathe through my blowhole but couldn't. I woke up.

      DILD #2-I was playing golf on a coastal golf course. I was on a par 3 set next to the ocean. I hit a high shot that started left of the green but faded back and bounced onto the green. Beyond the green, I saw a crowd of people jumping off the cliff and into the ocean. I decided to join them and. I tried swimming like a dolphin to go faster which worked. I could swim at least as fast as a motor boat. I put my hand behind me to summon a young lady to make out with. I felt my hand and turned around to find a young lady. I tried to make out with her but she pushed me away. She said she couldn't kiss me because she was sick. I tried summoning another young lady and woke up.

      DILD #3-I was in a restaurant where I somehow realized I was dreaming. I put my hand behind me to summon a dog I live with, a little Chihuahua mix. I felt a bite, turned around and it was her. I summoned a stick, threw it across the restaurant and told her to go fetch. I saw her arrive at the stick but she never came back. I walked around the restaurant and came across a man. I pointed at him and said "Abracadabra!" He stood still looking at me for a second before walking away saying something along the lines that he wasn't going to fall for that because something about slipping and calculus. I woke up and noticed that that there was more light in the room than there should be. I got up and walked out of the house. I put my hand behind me to summon a young lady and felt a hand. I turn around and there are two men there. They tell me they will lead me to some ladies. We walk down the street, into a building, and into a restroom. I hear lots of talking. I had to pee and there was a trough there so I let out a little drizzle into it. I had enough of this and phased through a wall into a hallway. I put my and behind me to summon a young lady but summoned a man. I woke up and noticed that I was not in my bedroom as there was a large window showing a backyard pool. I phased through the window and put my hand behind me to summon a young lady and woke up.
    5. Spellbee Competition Night 9

      by , 04-23-2017 at 04:36 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      DILD #1-I was at my grandmas house and my Mom told me to check on my Grandma. I found her in the computer on the computer watching a pianist/performer play and sing "Noel". I went back into the living room and realized I was dreaming. I phased through the floor into a void to teleport, but ended up in the same room. I went outside in the backyard into the night to look for a way to teleport. There was a two-story bar built on a small cliff which dropped off from where I was. I went down to the lower level and rotated my forefinger clockwise to fast forward time in the dream. Everybody was moving much faster as the dream was fast-forwarding. I looked around and saw what looked like a tiny hill out in the middle of the lawn. I laid down on the lawn and tried to increase the water level to create an ocean. I couldn't do this and I woke up.

      DILD #2-I woke up and I could hear some children. I tried to sink into by bed to teleport but couldn't. I tried to get out of bed but I was tangled up in my sheets. While trying to untangle myself, I fell backwards which caused my to phase through the wall and fall into a void. I fell as I waited for a dream scene to form. A dream scene of another room formed. After I landed, I bounced, flew back up and partially phased through the ceiling. I woke up.
      lucid , false awakening
    6. Spellbee Spring Competition Night 8

      by , 04-22-2017 at 04:31 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      WILD #1-I was trying to fall asleep when my peripheral vision seem to expand outwards and I felt some light vibrations. A scene of a room formed. I saw a DC with a camera. I realized I was on tv! I said hi to the camera. I could see myself being filmed on a screen. I looked like an elderly person. I woke up.

      WILD #2-I was trying to fall asleep when my body lifted up off of my bed. I got back down and found an open area. I turned my hand back to summon an orca and felt a mouth. I turned around and a full size orca was floating there. I got on its back to ride it and told it to go outside. It was going slow for some reason so I told it to hurry up. It seemed frustrated. I woke up.

      DILD #1-I woke up in bed and noticed that the numbers on my alarm clock didn't look right. I got out of out bed and found an open area. I turn my hand back to summon an orca and felt a mouth. I turned around and there was a large reptile of some sort, about 12 feet long. It was like half turtle and half crocodile. A turtledile! I told it go away it walked away. It went around the corner to go down a hallway. Happy I finally banished something, I jumped through the floor into a void to teleport. I kept falling in the void as I waited for a dream scene to form. I saw I was going to fall into the ocean, right next to an orca. I figured it was the same orca from my last LD, so I stopped myself midair to float above it. I sensed that it was not happy with me because of how I demanded it to hurry up. I asked the orca if it was mad and it aggressively blew air through its blowhole. I figured it was no use running away from it so continued towards it to let it eat me. It opened its mouth and I went through it. I phased through the back of its mouth. I was now underwater as I swam through past some sort of organs which looked like white kelp. As I continued, I was no longer underwater and instead was in a cavern. I heard some sort of Latin dance music playing. I woke up.
    7. Spellbee Spring Competition night #1 and April Advanced ii TOTM

      by , 04-15-2017 at 05:16 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      DILD #1-I felt my body being moved by a force in a dark room. It came to me that I was dreaming. I waited to see where the force would take me. I approached a door with a lighted sign that said "The End". The door opened to a sunny outdoor square in a town, where I was no longer being forced around. I looked for a large object to phase into an saw a large wooden black desk in the square with some papers and a laptop on it. I phased through to the middle of the desk to see if the papers had anything interesting on them, but there wasn't. I finished phasing through the desk. I faced my hand behind me to summon a dolphin and felt a beak. I looked to see if the spinner dolphin floating there was big enough for an advanced summon, but I estimated it wasn't because it was only about 6 feet long. I faced my hand behind me again to summon a T-Rex and I felt a mouth. The T-rex was definitely big enough at about 20 feet tall. I got on the T-Rex's back and chased some DCs who ran away screaming. I woke up in my bed. I noticed that there were several spiders above me. They started to drop towards me and which scared me. I woke up.

      DILD #2-I woke up and noticed a middle aged lady who I could not recognize. I was pretty sure I was dreaming, but got out of bed and attempted to jump into the void to make sure. I jumped into the void. I fell and waited for a new dream scene to be formed. I landed in a dark building of a transit center. I saw that there was a street light outside so I went there so I could see. I put my hand behind me and called for a large fantasy creature. I heard heavy breathing and a sucking sound became surrounded by a large cloth. I could still hear the heavy breathing so I assumed the creature consumed me. I demanded that the creature go in front of me so I can see it. The clothed was removed as the creature did this. I got a good look at the creature. It was like a snow man, only it was made of dirty cotton. It had sticks for arms. I asked it what it was called but it did not answer. I woke up.
    8. January basic ii TOTM fail

      by , 01-21-2017 at 11:31 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      I woke up and I could see my room through my closed eyelids. I got up and tried to jump through the floor into a void, but my body felt heavy and I was only able to jump halfway through the floor. A dog I live with, a Chihuahua mix, came into the room and dragged me out of the floor. I asked her to give me a massage and she asked me what that was. I said it was where rubbed my body to relax me. The dog took three long strokes with her head against my stomach and I woke up.
    9. splendid comp night 2

      by , 01-15-2017 at 08:36 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      DILD#1--I was outside in the backyard of my grandma's house, when I noticed a short woman which [B]I thought I saw in a previous dream. I phased through the glass down to go inside the house. I put my hand to the side to summon a dolphin and felt a beak. I turned around and there was a nice full size bottlenose dolphin, about 10 feet long. I climbed on its back and thought I needed to find a time breach. I saw a dark crack and rode the dolphin into the crack. I was teleported to an open underwater area. I saw some bullets. I looked to see who was shooting them and saw some anthropomorphic beer bottles. I rode the dolphin away from them and woke up.

      DILD#2--I was in bed trying to recall I dream I just had when it occurred to me that I might be having a false awakening. I did a nose plug and could breathe. I jumped into the void and tried to teleport to the ocean, which I did. I put my hand to the side to summon a dolphin and felt a beak. I turned around and there was a nice full size bottlenose dolphin, about 10 feet long. I thought about how routine this all way as I tried to get on its back to ride it. After I grabbed its dorsal fin, it began to swim away. As I was dragged around by the dolphin I recalled that time control was the last of my 3 step tasks. I tried to stop time in the dream so I could get on the back of the dolphin. I tried various commands such as "Stop!" and "Pause dream!" but none of them were working. After a bit of trying this, I woke up.

      DILD#3--I woke up in my bed after a dream and something felt off. I did a nose plug and could breathe. I decided to try to jump both myself and my bed into the void to teleport. I was teleported into a sunny backyard and my bed had turned into a trampoline. I jumped off the edge of the trampoline and walked around while thinking about what my dream goal was. I recalled it was time control. I decided to rewind the dream. As the dream was being rewound, I thought about how amazing how accurately the dream was rewinding itself. I was back standing on the trampoline when I noticed a black and white cat that wasn't there before. Cats and dogs are sort of like dream enemies to me because they attack me so much. I made like a dog and yelled "BARK!" The cat yelled back "SHUT UP!" I laughed out loud, which apparently offended the cat because it went off to a fat yellow cat to tattle on me. I knew they were planning an attack on me so I wanted to get away to avoid their painful scratches and bites. As the cats approached me I was able to escape by jumping into the void. After this, I woke up.
    10. Spellbee Comp Night 16

      by , 10-30-2016 at 04:53 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      DILD #1-I was in the drivers seat of a car waiting at a red light when I realized the car wasn't mine. I drove though the intersection and tried to make the car fly but it wouldn't. I parked and got out. My body felt heavy. I slowly put my hands in my pockets but nothing was there. I took my hands out and they were all wrinkly. I looked for a cute girl to make out with but there weren't any. I woke up.

      DILD #2-I was sleeping when I saw my window appear in front of my closed eyelids. I phased through it to fly outside and landed. I put my hands into my pockets but there weren't anything in there. I tried to summon a lamp with a genie in it but nothing showed up. I woke up.

      DILD #3-I was sleeping when I felt my surroundings rotating in the dark. I saw I was now floating near the roof. I got down on the ground. My body was heavy. I put my hands in my pockets and found they were stuffed. They were so stuffed I couldn't pull anything out. I tried to pull something out, but woke up.

      DILD #4-I was sitting down someplace with a few other people, not sure where. I was staring at a person until they saw at me, then I would stare at somebody else. I saw my late grandma walking by. I gave her a nice hug and asked her where she was going. She said "Lands End". I decided to try the pocket TOTM again and felt something like a coupon book. As I was pulling it out, I woke up.

      Updated 10-30-2016 at 06:13 PM by 57896

      lucid , false awakening , task of the month
    11. Spellbee Comp Night 15

      by , 10-29-2016 at 03:45 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      DILD #1-I was in bed when I was hearing a weird noise, sort of like an electronic out-of-control owl. I opened my eyes and saw I was not in my room. I got up and phased through to floor to a spacious room. I put my hand behind my back to summon a bottlenose dolphin and felt it. When I looked at it didn't seem any bigger than me. I put my hand behind my back to summon an orca and felt a dolphin but when I looked it was another bottlenose. This one was full sized though, about 10 feet long. I went up to its face an kissed it on the beak to try to absorb dolphin energy in order to transform into a dolphin. It didn't work and I woke up.

      DILD #2-I was in bed when I felt something was off. I knew I was close to transitioning into a dream. I tried to float out of bed and I did. I was gradually able to see. I stretched out my jaw to create a dolphin beak. I felt the rest of my body transforming. When I looked, I saw I still had my hands and my body was too heavy for me to see my tail. I started flying dolphin style to the window and phased through it. It didn't lead outside. I phased through several random images which lead to was looked like a large art room with various sculptures. I found a dog and decided to pet it. I woke up.

      Updated 10-29-2016 at 03:49 PM by 57896

      lucid , false awakening
    12. Spellbee Comp Night 9

      by , 10-23-2016 at 05:36 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      I was in bed sleeping with my eyes closed when I started hearing some voices. I tried to get up and found it was difficult to move. Still not seeing anything, I felt my best bet of getting out of bed was to sink. After a few seconds of trying, I was able to sink through my bed. I was now in a void. I saw a wall with some hieroglyphics on it then my vision went out again. I could hear the clanking of some sort of chain lift. My vision came back and I saw I was in a narrow hallway of a rundown industrial looking building. I saw a door and slowly phased though it. I was now in a small restroom. I looked in a mirror and saw myself. I was more short and stocky, had oversized eyes and a brown afro. I went back into the hallway and tried to summon a dolphin before I woke up.
      false awakening , lucid
    13. Spellbee Comp Night 7

      by , 10-21-2016 at 04:22 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      I woke up noticing that I was inside a hot tub set in a living room. I got out and flew, phasing through a window to go outside into a backyard. I found a nice open area and put my hand behind my back to summon an orca. I felt one, turned around and it was there, a nice full sized one. I got on its back and told it to go to the ocean. Once we got moving, I tried putting my hands in my pockets but found I couldn't ride the orca and put my hands in my pockets at the same time. I got off the orca and put my hands in my pockets. I woke up.
      lucid , false awakening
    14. Spellbee Comp night 4

      by , 10-18-2016 at 02:58 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      DILD 1-Not able to see anything, I found myself carrying somebody who sounded like my late grandpa. I could hear my grandma as well. I felt a bed and placed my grandpa there. I told him I couldn't see. Suddenly my vision flicked on. My grandparents were laying in bed, both naked. A soft light shone on them. We rejoiced and talked for a bit before I woke up.

      DILD 2- I was looking from my bedroom window across the street.A voice said they needed help. I phased through the window and flew across the street. A tiny brown puppy appeared in my hands and we flew. The puppy said, "Thing about dogs, you can kiss them!" My dog IWL then flew up to join us. We landed someplace where there was a big brontosaurus. I figured I had enough of this nonsence and tried to find an opening to summon an orca. I woke up. I looked at my clock and found I had only been asleep for 5 minutes! Hmm. I did a nose plug and could breathe. I phased through the window and flew outside, again looking for an opening to summon an orca. I tried to summon one but couldn't. I woke up.
      lucid , false awakening
    15. Spellbees Comp Night 2

      by , 10-16-2016 at 04:24 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      I woke up and noticed somebody turned on the light in my room. I got up to turn it off but my body was heavy and it was difficult to move. I floated up in the air and phased through my bedroom window to fly outside. It was daytime but overcast outside in the town. I tried to make it rain but couldn't. I tried to make the town underwater. As I was trying to do this, I noticed there was a bay and flew towards it. As I kept trying to raise the water level, I noticed the water level of the bay was rising slowly but surely. I eventually raised the water level high enough to flood the coastal roads. I kept trying to make the flood bigger until I woke up.
      lucid , false awakening
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