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    Lucid #12

    by , 10-22-2012 at 03:57 AM (593 Views)
    Non Dream

    I had this dream a couple of nights ago while fiddling around with my induction technique. I debated whether or not to add it to my lucid count as it was yet another dream where I failed to stabilize. My failure to stabilize was a result of a flaw in my thinking at the time which I caught and fixed afterwards. Anyway, I remember the dream vividly even a couple of days later so now I figure it's good enough to count. I was lucid again later that morning using the same technique but I forgot almost all of that dream so I won't count that one. This very short lucid was unique in that I was lucid instantly, a product of my MILD technique I used.

    I was in a backyard at night and there was a fence in front of me. The colors of the dream seemed unusually cartoony in nature (which I later learned is a sign of poor stability). I walked along the fence to the left and walked to the left around a pool that was in front of me. I noticed an old man sitting on a porch looking out in my direction. I woke up.
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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Congratulations on another lucid!

      You mention that you identified a flaw in your mindset that caused you to have trouble with stabilization. What was the mindset flaw? Whatever it was, it sounds like your technique is working great. Be sure to note down any big changes you make to it in your workbook so that I can steal it. Seriously, though, keep it up.

      Interesting about the cartoony colors. I'd not heard before that it might indicate low stability. I once had a specific DC (Thomas Jefferson, specifically) appear in super-saturated color but I wonder whether this is the same as the cartoon colors that you witnessed? Did everything just look like it had less texture to it, kinda like a cel-shaded video game?
    2. dolphin's Avatar
      The flaw I identified was I was thinking about walking into the dream as soon as I saw imagery. I fixed it by changing my thinking to stabilizing as soon as I saw imagery.

      I read about the cartoony colors in "Exploring the World of lucid dreaming". The colors had more of a washed out appearance as described here.
      The Spinning Technique
      1. Notice when the dream begins to fade
      When a dream ends, the visual sense fades first. Other senses may persist longer,
      with touch being among the last to go. The first sign that a lucid dream is about to
      end is usually a loss of color and realism in your visual imagery. The dream may lose
      visual detail and begin to take on a cartoon-like or washed-out appearance. You may
      find the light growing very dim, or your vision becoming progressively weaker.
      I'm about to create a post in my Workbook after this one about changes I'm making
      CanisLucidus likes this.
      Updated 10-22-2012 at 06:11 PM by TwilightShawn