Lucid #195-The "Date"
, 07-14-2013 at 04:13 PM (748 Views)
I went to bed after a routine awakening. I lied in bed for a couple minutes, trying to go to sleep. Out of nowhere, I hear a loud ringing in my ears and vibrations throughout my body. After a few seconds of this my body starts to spin. This time, I got out of bed while my body was still spinning as I waited too long last time. I got up from bed and my body was still spinning. I tried my best to ground myself. Once I stopped spinning, I figured I would try to summon a cute girl to play with. I did the behind the hand trick to summon one. I put my hand behind my back. In a second I felt a hand. I looked behind me but couldn't see anybody. I felt the hand though. Somebody's back there. I waited a couple seconds............One of my female workers appeared. Not one of the more attractive ones, but still a good friend.
"Hi!" she said.
"Hi! Where do you want to go?" I asked.
"I don't know. Where do you want to get hurt?"
"I don't care," I said, playing along.
"Lets go to Virginia Beach!"
We walked out of the house. When we walked out we where in different neighborhood I used to live in. There was a cab waiting for us. Co-worker had apparently arranged it.
"This guy's the best! He doesn't care about passing."
We got in the cab and the cab driving started driving. He didn't stop at the intersection though. Instead he plowed through a fence into somebody's backyard, as if it was completely normal. Co-worker looked concerned.
"Hmm...Maybe we should go to Daytona Beach instead."
We continued driving through the backyard, which was huge. Along the way we saw some panda bears and a panther that threatened to pounce on us.
I woke up, lol. You get some interesting results when you force your subconscious to come up with stuff on the fly!