Lucid #205-Typical flying lucid
, 07-27-2013 at 04:06 PM (451 Views)
Dream 1-All I could remember was a female co-worker's voice saying "After my vacation, I only have one boyfriend. My parents won't recognize me anymore as a bilium boy fraternity member. They'll call me a bilium boy blem blum."
Dream 2-I was riding a couple roller coasters.
Dream 3-I was at a very crowded beach. The tide went up real high and sent everybody scrambling up the beach. I had to apologize to 3 old ladies who didn't like how I ran into a couple people.
Lucid #205-When I woke up from dream 3, it was unusually dark outside. I did a nose plug and could breathe. Yay! I went outside and decided to fly. I didn't seem to have much control of my flying so I decided just to explore. I was over a medium density city with lots of Monterey cypress trees, similar to Southwest San Francisco or Daly City. A couple notable things I saw was a large tree house and a lady waving at me with two hands. I woke up after 30 seconds to a minute of flying.