Lucid #213-The meaning of life TOTM success
, 08-06-2013 at 01:28 PM (856 Views)
Non Dream
I don't remember how I got lucid (probably MILD) but I did. I was in the kitchen of a house with my brother in law and my crush. I tried to change things up a bit so I went into another room to summon another girl using my usual behind the hand trick. I couldn't summon anybody. I went back into the kitchen and went to my brother in law. He's real intellectual so I thought he would provide a more interesting answer. "What's the meaning of life?" I asked him. He said he knew and seemed confident. He started by saying "It's all about the pretty things" before talking about random stuff I couldn't understand. Then, he started talking about the anatomy of the earth itself. In the end, the final answer which I confirmed with him was that was the meaning of life is the earths core, mantle, crust, and all of the things on top. After that I decided to have a thumb war with my crush which she won with her small, quick little thumb. After that, I lost lucidity as indescribable nonsense and chaos (I won't bother) ensued before I woke up.