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    Sensei's Competiton Night #1+TOTM

    by , 07-28-2014 at 04:00 PM (649 Views)
    non dream

    lucid #1
    I'm in a house. I instinctively do a nose plug and become lucid. I try bumping into various walls various in an attempt to phase through. After several attempts, I phase through a rock wall into a courtyard. I turn my attention to summoning a dc. I put my hand behind my back but nobody was there. I turn around and don't see anybody. I remain patient though and see a little girl fade into view before my eyes. I ask her to teleport me to her favorite place. She explains it's some hole on some golf course. We hug and hold each other while she recites some spells (eeny meeni mini mo, ect,) which doesn't work. I walk away and ask several other dcs if they could help, but every one them said "no". I wake up.

    lucid #2
    I wake up in my bed to a buzzing sound. I do a nose plug and became lucid. I tried to get up but I was being blocked by the buzzing sound. (I don't know what it is) I called for a dream guide and one appears. I ask him to get rid of the barrier and he does. I get a good look at my dream guide. He is not Dori but is another man. He is creepy looking- tall, skinny, and lacking eyes in their sockets. I thank him for helping me. He says, "Sometimes our fears get the best of us." I tell him I want to teleport and he agrees to help. We go into a very small room attached to my bedroom. After a couple of seconds, the room drops. It's an elevator! It drops down a few floors and takes a few turns horizontally before it dropped me off. I found myself in a cartoon classroom full of kids. I look around and am entertained but the writings on the walls. All I remember is the teacher's name is "Poppins". I wake up.

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    1. Chessica's Avatar
      Great job on getting two lucids by doing the nose plug! Du you use it often as a RC during your waking hours too? Is that what makes you use it so successfully in-dream?
    2. Nfri's Avatar
      I ask her to teleport me to her favorite place. She explains it's some hole on some golf course. We hug and hold each other while she recites some spells (eeny meeni mini mo, ect,) which doesn't work. I walk away and ask several other dcs if they could help, but every one them said "no". I wake up.
      I see I'm not the only one who has the teleportation problems
      dolphin likes this.
    3. dolphin's Avatar
      Chessica, I only use rcs when I'm sincerely unsure of whether I'm awake or dreaming, mostly whenever I wake up. I often have false awakenings so I'm very wary of them.
    4. ThreeCat's Avatar
      Great stuff. I especially liked the summoning of the dream guide. I have attempted to do this in the past, but have ended up summoning only distracting DCs (or no one at all).

      Not sure if you noticed, but you seem to have completed the Advanced TotM as well--ride in an elevator!
    5. fogelbise's Avatar
      Congrats on the double dolphin!! Do you use dream guides much? I see you mentioned that you have what sounds like a recurring dreamguide, Dori. I have not identified a dreamguide per se but I guess I haven't been seeking one either. Do you recommend it? Perhaps you see it as tapping into your subconscious?
    6. Pickman's Avatar
      Congratulations on the lucid dreams, and on not getting freaked out by the tall, creepy man with no eyes in his sockets!
    7. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      Nice work with the elevator task!
      The eye socket guy sounds creepy! Only in appearance though, he seemed like a helpful character.
      The classroom sounds interesting, I love cartoon dreams!