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    dolphin's dreams

    Spellbee Comp night 4

    by , 10-18-2016 at 02:58 PM (464 Views)
    DILD 1-Not able to see anything, I found myself carrying somebody who sounded like my late grandpa. I could hear my grandma as well. I felt a bed and placed my grandpa there. I told him I couldn't see. Suddenly my vision flicked on. My grandparents were laying in bed, both naked. A soft light shone on them. We rejoiced and talked for a bit before I woke up.

    DILD 2- I was looking from my bedroom window across the street.A voice said they needed help. I phased through the window and flew across the street. A tiny brown puppy appeared in my hands and we flew. The puppy said, "Thing about dogs, you can kiss them!" My dog IWL then flew up to join us. We landed someplace where there was a big brontosaurus. I figured I had enough of this nonsence and tried to find an opening to summon an orca. I woke up. I looked at my clock and found I had only been asleep for 5 minutes! Hmm. I did a nose plug and could breathe. I phased through the window and flew outside, again looking for an opening to summon an orca. I tried to summon one but couldn't. I woke up.
    Occipitalred likes this.

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    lucid , false awakening