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    Spellbee Competition night 3

    by , 09-04-2017 at 03:01 PM (655 Views)
    DILD-I woke up and found that my room seemed to have more light than usual and had a different floor. I RCed by trying to phase through the floor. I phased through the floor and dropped a bit, hit the ground and woke up.

    DILD-I was in my room and caught a FA somehow. I walked outside where there was a city. I jumped up to fly to try to get a better view. I tried to fly higher and faster by imagining a genie push me up. I felt something push me up, but I didn't see what it was. I was not able to fly as high and fast as I would like and spent the rest of the dream working on my flying before I woke up.

    DILD- I was in the living room of a house and realized it was a lot like another house I used to live at. I put my hand behind me to try to summon a young lady, but summoned a clone of myself instead. My clone said I needed to hurry up to do something. I looked phased through a counter into the kitchen where I say a young lady with a little boy near her. She also told me I need to hurry up and I hugged and kissed her. I woke up.

    DILD-I woke up and heard somebody say "you're welcome" outside my bedroom window. I looked around my bedroom and saw that it was different. I went outside to see it was morning. I found an open area and tried to summon an orca. I got a bottlenose, but only half of one. As a crowd of DCs were approaching, I tried to summon a dinosaur. I felt something and all of the DCs looked up in fear. Before I could look around to see it, the dream went black. I got the dream to reappear and saw lots of small dinosaurs walking around the neighborhood. I woke up.
    DawnEye11 and FireFlyMan like this.

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    lucid , false awakening


    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      : D Wow, you sure did get a lot done with those 4 dilds. I guess the kiss was apart of a task? I still remember when you wrote about that old lady that appeared in your dream. Haha
      dolphin likes this.
    2. dolphin's Avatar
      I forgot my task of trying to achieve an orgasm. I can do it just by making out with somebody I'm really attracted to. However, I like hugging and kissing just for its own sake though as well, so I'm okay with doing it with somebody that isn't attractive enough. The lady in this dream was more attractive than the older lady in the other dream, but she still wasn't attractive enough for me to want to make out with her.
      DawnEye11 likes this.
    3. DawnEye11's Avatar
      I forgot my task of trying to achieve an orgasm. I can do it just by making out with somebody I'm really attracted to. However, I like hugging and kissing just for its own sake though as well, so I'm okay with doing it with somebody that isn't attractive enough. The lady in this dream was more attractive than the older lady in the other dream, but she still wasn't attractive enough for me to want to make out with her.
      That is a task I never expected someone to do. XD But if your feeling bold than maybe try summoning someone you have had feelings about before.
      dolphin likes this.
    4. RelicWraith's Avatar
      Four DILDs in one night? My goodness!