Spellbees Comp Night 1
, 10-15-2016 at 03:59 PM (497 Views)
DILD #1-I was sleeping and something felt off I guess because I did a nose plug. I could breathe. I couldn't quite believe it so I did another one and this time became lucid. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a dark, empty room with a closed door. I leaned my side against the wall and slowly phased through it into a hallway. The hallway was lined with several closed doors on each side. It was quiet and peaceful. I tried to make the dream under water but couldn't. I went outside into the backyard where it was nighttime and overcast. I tried to breathe fire but couldn't. I noticed a lion cub sleeping and checked it out. I tried to make it rain but couldn't. Looking for something to do, I jumped up to fly. I made it a bit higher than the second story of the house before I woke up.
DILD#2-I was talking to somebody and did a nose plug for some reason and could breathe. The dream was wobbly and unstable. I went outside into my grandmothers sunny backyard. I tried to stomp on the ground to create an earthquake but this woke me up.