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    dolphin's dreams

    Swim with Dolphins-Lucid #62

    by , 12-23-2012 at 05:08 PM (529 Views)

    I was at an amusement park with a group getting ready for a backstage tour of a roller coaster. We start towards the roller coaster and I realize I'm dreaming when I think that I could just fly to get there faster. I jump to to fly thinking of my lucid goal to swim with dolphins. I started trying to spin to fly faster to teleport myself while at the same time thinking about a tropical destination. It was tough to spin at first but with enough will power I was able to spin rapidly. I was flying at lightspeed at this point with the clouds flying past me in a circular blur. I started to fly back down, expecting I've arrive at my destination. As I made my way through the cloads I noticed two tropical deserted islands. I was short of them which was perfect. I dove in the warm water expecting dolphins to be there. Shortly after, a small dolphin about the size of myself swam up close to me. blogs/dolphin/attachments/3938-swim-dolphins-lucid-62-dolphins.jpg I grabbed it's dorsal fin and let it gently pull me around the water for a bit. After I was finished, a second one swam up close to me. I thought it might be bigger but it was about the same size. I pet it, amazed by the realistic feel of it's skin. I woke up.

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