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    Oneironautic Escapades

    Bull Ceremony and Demon Hunting

    by , 12-11-2020 at 02:48 AM (419 Views)

    I am outdoors walking down a crowded sidewalk. There is some kind of festival with many people my age and younger. I see some people I know walking behind me. There is an open plot of land which is a farm with many cows in it between two houses in the neighborhood we are walking through. The owner is by their front fence with a few other people looking at the cows. One of the larger cows which was leaning over the fence jumps over it. There is a larger man who holds it in place by the horns in the crowd of people, still by the fence. I am amused by the cow and want to pet it. Somebody behind me holds me back and my vision goes black.

    I wake up in the upstairs of the farmhouse in a dark bedroom with someone babysitting me for some reason. I gather there are many people on hallucinagens at this festival and they were concerned I was trying to pet the bull. The younger blonde farmer chick is now babysitting me just sitting around making sure I am ok. I am confused because I didn't remember taking anything to impair my judgement. I just wanted to pet the cow.
    We walk together into the next room which is like a large open theater and has bleacher like seating. It's dimly lit and I gather there is a certain ceremony going on.

    I see some guys I grew up with all sitting in a mixed group towards the upper right of the seats. He tells me they have 12 portions of Corceps?(maybe a fungus maybe a flower I don't really know) And offers me some for the trip. A certain point is reached in the ceremony and everyone whips out their portion to dose. Everyone has a bowl of chunky looking bluish almost yogurt consistency liquid in wooden bowls. They all start drinking theirs. He encourages me to drink mine. I say hold up. I pull out my phone and Google the name he tells me. I am looking it up first before drinking it.

    A girl I know IWL from festival is sitting close to me and gets really upset that I am on my phone during the ceremony and gets up angrily telling me how I am messing with her vibe. I'm like, tough tits chick, I'm not just gonna take something I have no idea what it is even if my oldest friend I know just hands it to me. So I turn the brightness down on my phone and just keep reading.

    I read that it is a powerful natural hallucination used in indigenous ceremonies for journey. I see the words witchcraft and occult in one of the articles and decide that's good enough for me. I sit up to start drinking mine and grab a bowl which is already empty. I think someone has drunk mine but actually just grabbed the wrong bowl. My friend hands me mine and I smell it. It smells like blueberries. I bring the bowl to my lips to drink and the dream fades.

    I call a bank about withdrawing money from my Alexa account, the guy tells me to come in to do the transaction. When I get there it is a smaller strip mall bank that almost looks like an airport terminal kiosk.
    I wait in line but notice the guy I talked to is on the left side of the desk. There is an older guy there in the background sort of glaring at me. I gather he is evil and don't want to talk to him. I tell them I just called about an Alexa withdrawal and the guy on the left helps me.
    He asks for my ID which I panic thinking I don't have it on me. It is in my hat.
    When we finish he hands me my money and my cards back, only I have one extra card in the stack. It is a vertical card with some braille on it. It has a picture of the old guy on it and the name Micheal Flynn at the bottom with his picture on the front.
    I gather that Micheal Flynn is a demon. I have been marked with this card but don't understand the intention. I stand in front of the kiosk for a minute or so while looking from the card to back up at them with a raised eyebrow. The guy who gave me the card was my lead. He is helping me track down the demon.

    I go to my car which is in eyesight to the kiosk. I sit in the passenger seat and stake it out. While sitting I get tired but only pretend to lower my head while watching the activity intently. A girl with black hair a black shirt and a broom to sweep with comes out of a store next-door to the bank. When I look at her she ignores me and pretends to work. While I pretend to hang my head down so she can't see my eyes she just stands there staring at me while slowly lifting her shirt or pulling it down or something equally tempting my attention. I pretend to ignore her while I look up casually still watching the kiosk to the left of where she is standing. I have decided she is the demon I've been looking for.

    I get out of the car and approach her, the gig is up. I grab her while walking back into her empty store that is similar to a smaller department store with the same type of nooks and crannies as a clothing store.
    While holding her arms I notice her face go fuzzy with distortion when I poke certain parts of her back and neck and arms while she isn't struggling too much. She walks with me while I calmly explain to her that she has been found out, I know what she is. Whatever is going on here is going to stop, there is no room for evil in these parts ect ect. But I do mention if she weren't evil we'd probably get along fine. I attempt to be smooth about it as to not attract the attention of the security guard I know is working.

    He may have seen me as we tuck away into the back cubby corner of the shop. The outline of her face is still going buzzy every few seconds and I gather the entity inside her isn't pleased to be found out.
    When we get to the back I begin some incantation speaking words I do not recognize while she writhes as I hold both of her arms behind her back. I notice the guard coming up behind me so I let her go and immediately begin on some false conversational tangent about how her brother had a conversation with her and I just want to know what she told my sister because it was very important that I hear it from her (hoping my tone would falsely show the tension he may have witnessed while also implying this being a personal matter between two consenting parties, and not an exorcism).

    He stares blankly for a few moments while she just stands there looking between the two of us.
    "You can't do that here" he says. The gig is up I think.
    "If you want to get rid of that thing inside her you better follow me to the fire, it's the only way" he continues.
    I am shocked. He knows what I am doing and is offering help. Very cool. I walk her behind him and he leads us to another part of the store which has a fireplace in the wall. I gather the only way is to channel this being back into the fire from which it came.
    The dream fades as the incantations begin with her writhing in my arms once again.

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