False Awakening
Talking to an old discord friend I am on Discord, sad about the fact that a friend left a discord server of friends for reasons I don't know. I then got the idea that I might still have them in my direct message bar. I look and find them. I then talk to them and ask them if they want to come back. And they do. Everyone on the server is happy, but I don't remember what exactly they were saying. Scene change to all server members standing in my room, apparently. The friend doesn't really feel comfortable with meeting everyone again yet, but they would give it a try. We are then apparently in some freaky ghost house thing, but really, it's more of a ghost world. Various like very demonic things attack us and we often flee. I don't remember any details except that the beginning was many sort of white blankets hung up and it being very tight so that you have to immediately go up a staircase when you get in, which is the only way. There was also like some weird hallway. To the right was some really bright room, maybe an operating room, and in front was darkness. I might have been alone. Then it got brighter behind me and some demon came, it might have been related to Super Mario for some reason. When I started waking up I started realizing that it was a dream and got very sad and frustrated since I miss my friend. Dream about a dream I thought that the last dream had ended, and that this was now definitely reality. I was on Discord again, and now found the friend again and wanted to talk to them. But then I started waking up again and was sad to see that this was also a dream. Hm. I had really hoped I'd wake up to see it wasn't a dream. In reality it probably wouldn't really be as easy as talking to them and asking them nicely. I think they had a fight with someone. But maybe I can do it, but I doubt it. It must have been bad if they just left by saying "Bye." Eh, let me stop venting. I'll class that second dream as a false awakening, oh, and that ghost mansion was fun.
Talking fragment In the dream I seem to have woken up and am lying in my bed and my mother sitting close beside me and I start talking about some private important topic and she's surprised. Once again I forgot to do my mantra... sort of. I made progress. I was about to do my mantra but I forgot what it was and then forgot and fell asleep.
LEGEND: Black = non-lucid Grey = awake Blue = lucid Lucid fragment I reality check and get lucid, but either don't remember what came after it or the dream faded. Great false awakening lucid! Discouraged from my failed lucid that I just woke up from, I decide to do an especially aware reality check and then go to sleep with the mantra "When I see my hands I will remember I am dreaming and I will remember my body isn't real." The last part of the mantra is to make me more lucid and aware, so that I'm not just a zombie. I then heard a noise my father made (maybe be dropped something) and got startled by it, and was disappointed. But I did a reality check, and, to my surprise, I breathed right through my plugged nose and was in a lucid dream. I immediately stood up and decided to leave my home. I tried looking away and back, imagining there'd be a door. I wanted to go to a specific place, but I ended up going into a mall. For some reason I suddenly had a VR headset on my head and my lucidity slipped a bit and things started getting unclear, both since that's something that happens if you don't have your VR headset on correctly and because the dream was fading, but as I took it off it caught itself. For a few seconds, I was somewhere else, but returned to the mall without really noticing. The place might have been full of brownish sand and sort of boxed in somehow. Now, back in the mall, I run around and explore, excited, although not as aware as in the beginning anymore, but still better than any other lucid dream I've had. I see a small (100ml volume?) box of sodium iodide and think about trying to blow something up (that's hard with sodium iodide, but, again, I had lost awareness in the VR headset segment), but I ended up not trying, both because I didn't know if they'd have any chemical that'd work out with it (forgot that you could summon things since my awareness was shit) and because I didn't want to anymore. As I thought about it, I had actually tried to grab the box of it, but I only had the lid in my hands since it slipped off, and somebody was mad at me since I grabbed it (I had a small fear that someone would notice, but I didn't really care since I was sure I could just flee). And thus, I fled. I then decided to try some shapeshifting again. I looked at my hands and saw that I had way too many fingers than normal (about 14 on my right hand), so I tried to touch things with the hand to see how having more fingers feels like, and it felt like normal, just slightly different. It's hard to describe. But I didn't want to continue to do something else that is more personal. I went to a sort of computer terminal and input commands and hoped for them to appear in the dream, but it didn't quite work out. At some point I did a stabilization attempt by inspecting my hands, but still nearly woke up, but ended up back at a sort of bodyless distant view that was even less aware of the terminal, which now looked like a piano/organ, and apparently dracula was playing on it. It sort of was like a comedic variation of some sort of area in a video game. I then sort of had to click on the piano to go to the terminal again to continue typing, and it still didn't work, and then I woke up. That awareness drop after the vr segment was annoying, but being that aware at all was progress, at least. I think I will add something to get more aware of dream control in my dreams. Also, the first lucid fragment resulted from an extra aware reality check yesterday before I went to bed, since I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't reality check all that much because of school eating my time and stressing me.
Updated 08-15-2020 at 03:22 PM by 96397 (Added side notes)
Lucidity? I am in my house. Suddenly, I reality check and (maybe, not sure if this is just dreaming I am lucid) I seemingly get lucid. I reality check, but for some reason, it doesn't work but it seems to help retain lucidity anyway? I then run my hand along a cupboard while walking into the living room because I remember reading that touching things helps ground you in lucidity. Then I lose lucidity and I am standing in front of the terrarium of the roaches I keep as pets, and they are somehow escaping, one after another. I try to tell my mother, but she is somehow drunk or something and I can't really move, so they just keep escaping and I can't do anything about it. False awakening I then seemingly wake up, and suddenly I skip to telling my mother that I had a lucid dream. Weird machine story..? I am in like a steampunk sort of setting, with a lot of orange lighting, and I have to somehow repair a machine or something, and it involves somebody who is apparently my brother. I am then in my house again, and I need to get somewhere, but there is something chasing me. I reach for the bathroom window and open it and try to use some sort of wand thing to fly out of the window, but I don't fit because the window is suddenly shaped weirdly. I then go into the room right next to the bathroom and fly out of a large window there. I then sort of go to a sort of court-like building but I am not sure. There is also something chasing me there, so I fly up into the air and just float above, looking down.
Making horror levels gone wrong I am in some level editor, possibly from a game by Frictional Games. I am placing some sort of monster, but how it looks makes me unsettled. Then, I suddenly heard a voice in my computer. "I see you..". I then felt so unsettled that I wanted to close all the editors. But then I opened the game window and pressed refresh, which made changes I made in the editor appear. I had originally planned to immediately press escape and exit the game, but that plan was interrupted by the monster suddenly appearing right in front of the camera, sitting in a chair of sorts making strange noises which had me frantically and in terror planning my next actions. I was so startled that I woke up. - After this, I woke up quite early, so I went to sleep again. - Awakening to lightning I'm not sure if I had some dreams before or after this, but I have a false awakening that simply consists of some lightning outside. Usually, I would go and take pictures, but I forget and go to sleep again, the storm soothing me to sleep quite quickly. - After this, I once again wake up early and just close my eyes again, jumping back into my dreams within seconds. - Adventure as a shapeshifting being I am a being that seems to be able to change to its will. It is limited, but I do not know how. I have quite a few friends that are also special in specific powers. I feel free and am usually quite happy and cheery to my friends, as are they. I don't remember exactly what we did together, I only know we were happy. I only know of our main goal, which was to recover some sort of artifact an enemy of us has. After a while, we get there and we are sort of on a long pathway suspended up in the air in a large temple-like, abandoned chamber full of moss and water flowing out of the walls in small but noticeable amounts. I run towards the enemy and recover the artifact, which allows me to turn into a creature which is gigantic and has immense power, and sort of resembles a ghost leviathan from Subnautica. I fly around the enemy, and I think I am devouring it. I get a third person view of this. Then I accidentally hit one of my friends with part of my tail, and she quickly collapses, dying. At first, I don't notice, but then I notice and get a very sinking feeling. My gigantic, four eyed face then approaches the friend laying on the ground. I am filled with guilt. Then the dream ends. Extremely unclear fragment The only thing I remember is that it contains the stairwell of my house. The first dream stems from me making a SOMA mod. Not sure where that monster came from, though. It resembles Granny from the horror game of the same name, but I haven't thought of it for a while. The second dream stems from me wishing for lightning storms and seeing that now as spring is coming, the clouds are getting larger much quicker. The third dream stems from me not really feeling free as much, nor having any very good friends in real life. Not sure where the shapeshifting part came from, but it was quite cool. This dream made me want to lucid dream again and that's why I returned to the forum. I'm glad I did, I missed detailing my dreams here. I don't really know anything about the fourth dream.
Tornado I am outside with my father, on the way back to our home. We're already very close, just about 100 meters away from it. We see my mother for some reason doing something in an empty store, placing science equipment onto the counter in front of the window. My father says something which makes me suspicious that they might be gifting me the store as a workspace. While advancing closer to our home, I start debating in my mind if this could actually happen, which is quickly interrupted by my father telling me to look somewhere. I look where he looks and we see a very, very dark cloud with lots of lightning. At first, we were both happy about this, but then, we suddenly see a very quick tornado zoom by, seemingly in random, chaotic patterns. We try to go back to my mother, but we apparently overshoot the target and end up in a shopping district about 600 meters from our home. I notice this and tell my father, so we turn around and again try to get to her. We go back a bit, then turn around again, before then again turning around. I asked my father which store she was in again, as I had forgotten because of my bad memory. My father said he doesn't know and we walk towards the house again. We then overshoot the target once again and end up in what was apparently a room in our flat. We're then suddenly at ground level in the house again, standing in front of the staircase to the higher floors and my father states something along the lines that we can't go outside again. I also knew it was too late to try to warn my mother. A while later, my mother comes through the door, seemingly not having noticed the storm, nor the tornado. I come to my mother, suddenly standing a bit further outside, and tell her that there was a tornado here, before seeing it zoom by again, making me correct myself and making me point to it. She sarcastically states that that's absolutely amazing and we go inside. Sudden (semi-)lucidity I am standing in the bathroom, my mother ominously standing in the back of the room, behind the toilet. She seems to look up outside the skylight. She appears to say something which I don't remember but was just as creepy as the way that she was standing there. Suddenly, I become (semi-?)lucid and run over to my room right next to the bathroom. I pushed my chair to my computer table, before trying to change random things on my face to see if I could do it. It didn't work, and I tried remembering lucid dreaming articles about dream control. I then recalled you could, for example, drink something and imagine it was a potion that would change something. I felt a bit afraid of that because I wasn't entirely sure if this really was a dream. On my computer, a DreamViews page was opened, but before I could check it out, I woke up. Short false awakening I "woke up", looking outside the window to the clouds. Something felt unusual, but I don't know what. Staircase I am on the staircase to my home. There're some changes, and it resembles an older dream from the design. I walk up the narrow staircase, having to go through strange doors leading to homes, as well as things like hospitals. The first room I had gone through was empty and had no people in it, the second had a doctor talking through a procedure with the son of a woman who seemed to be a neighbor in the previous version of the dream. I listened to the conversation a bit, before trying to exit the room to continue up the stairs. I woke up before I could continue walking. I'm not sure if the presumably lucid dream was actually that or just something else that I could mix up in retrospect. I seemed to be consciously in the dream, but I somehow didn't even think too much about anything else than what I had programmed into myself as what I first want to try to get a feel for lucid dreams, I didn't really think. Is that what a semi-lucid dream is?
Side note: I was really sick when dreaming these and the dreams I get when I'm sick are often very vivid so I usually recall them easier than my other dreams. I seem to have forgotten a lot about these dreams, though. Slenderman survival w/ a friend I'm outside along with a friend. We own a mansion for shelter which is in the middle of the forest with paths leading around from the mansion through the forest. The next thing I remember is that we see static and start sprinting into any direction in the forest. As the static grows more intense, I remark that I don't want to play this 'game' anymore and that I don't like horror like this, before the slenderman popped out in front of me. I ran back towards the mansion, going in before my friend closes both doors, then swearing and quickly turning on the lights in the entrance hall. It's night now. We wait and I am scared of the fact that the slenderman can come out of the darkness and that the mansion is mostly dark. Next day, I go out wandering for some reason, before later on my way back hearing strong breathing coming closer. I don't know what it is, but luckily it's staying in the bushes for now. Shortly before the entrance to the mansion, my friend tells me that what I heard is something which has a generic male name which I don't remember. Skip to the monster running towards the house now. I run to the front door and quickly close it in third person view, using a cursor to close the doors. It's lagging so it's hard for me to hit the door, but I manage to do it, relieved as the breathing is right in front of the door but nothing came through. Though then I remember the side door left of me and also try to close that, but this time, it's lagging too much so I back away to a small table with a light on it. I think about going upstairs to hide, but it was too late. The breathing reveals itself to be a creepy dog-like creature which suddenly storms towards me, then I wake up. Soon after this, though, I fall asleep again. I don't remember the dream I got then, but when I woke up from that, I fell asleep once again and I remember that dream in many fragments. Fake lucidity, false awakening The next thing I remember is that I am in a strange place, a tiny bit of water seemingly flowing between two sidewalks, surrounded by brick walls running along very far. I do a reality check with my hand which doesn't work, so I try a nose reality check and I breathe through my pinched nose. Though, for some reason, I don't get lucid, I just dream about being lucid. I try controlling the dream, but nothing happened. Then I get a false awakening, before reentering the previous dream scene. I see another person who tells me something, while I try to control the dream again. I then end up in a sort of Subnautica scene, and then I don't remember anything else.