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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Finally back to journaling, starting off with: Strange magic dragon dream | [17.03.2022]

      by , 03-18-2022 at 01:49 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Strange magic dragon dream
      I am at building C of my school, on the second floor (entering from the yard, you basically have 4 important doors on the bottom floor. Two on either side, which lead to a staircase leading up all the way to the third floor, with every second platform, occurring after every second unit of stairs, leading to the corresponding floor. In front and behind you, you have exits, the former leading directly to the street and the latter to the school yard. To your left, you have a freestanding stairway, leading up to a platform, whose shape can be imagined as a rectangle without the bottom edge showing the path you can walk along, the path fitting to the wall. From there, multiple rooms can be accessed and also two doors leading to the left and right staircases to the other floors). There, I apparently have a kind of private lesson with a teacher I actually do not particularly like, but, apparently he wants to teach me, and a small group of other people who want this, how to become a dragon and I guess to harness that kind of magic(? not sure about the magic part. might have had to do with fire). Thus, I enter the class. I was excited, but had a kind of feeling in me that this would be too good to be true. Though, then, after a while, it did kind of work and I guess I transformed into some kind of humanoid dragon form. I felt a great amount of the feeling of freedom and also a kind of wildness along with this. I remember knowing that this would just be a small taste and that there was more potential in this ability. At this point, I guess I had remembered others and also myself couldn't see this happen (despite us having seen it before; it was kind of contradictory, even the moment this came up) and I thought that this would just be too good to be true and that I was stuck in wishful thinking again. The teacher wanted us to try flying, but I thought that was kind of stupid, considering the fact that apparently the bell had rung and everyone was moving to their other classes, so everyone would just think we're crazy and other teachers would get angry at us, so I just waited, despite my anxiety, as I knew the teacher was impatient, but that was just way too stupid of an idea to me. So, eventually, everyone had seemingly moved and I felt like nobody was going to see this, so, after watching some of the others in my group managing to lift off and fly around, I tried flapping my arms (despite me knowing that we were doing this because apparently we had learned to develop our wings enough), and, as I failed to lift off, I felt like my worries were confirmed and was discouraged, but did not have the plan to give up. I subsequently woke up.

      Finally started journaling again. There has just been a lot of stressful stuff going on in my life, which has prevented me from continuing this for quite a while.

      I actually only remembered this because I saw a cloaked person outside, which reminded me of harry potter, which reminded me of this for some reason. Weird.

    2. Half-Life 2 and imbalanced transformation | [26.07.2021]

      by , 07-26-2021 at 08:10 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Half-Life 2 and imbalanced transformation
      Apparently, I am Gordon from Half-Life 2 in this scene. Dr. Kleiner is with me in a half-destroyed room. There are big holes in the wall and debris on the floor, as well as a bridge made of metal grating and a pulley mechanism attached to it, which can be drawn in/out from within this room to pass over to another building, like in Half-Life 2: Episode One. He tells me to do something with suit batteries, and I jokingly think that it's weird that the level designers did this, when in the original Half-Life 2 game, they used car batteries.

      Scene change. I am in the same room of my home where the 3rd dream, 19.07.2021 ended, and am myself again. I am tending to my water snails which are in a jar between many plant pots. Then, I have a fake memory where my mother apparently blew into something which resembles a fallen-off flower blossom, which can apparently transform you into whatever you are currently thinking about when you blow into it, but apparently, she gave it to me but I threw it away for some reason. Now, I want it again, so I look for another one and find one I think resembles it. I know it could be poisonous, so I am a bit anxious, but I blow into it to see if it would work. Instead of doing what I hoped for, it blew up into poisonous plant sap.

      Scene change. The previous scene transitions by me running backwards into another room of sorts which is hard to describe. It is dark and there is another metal grating bridge, and apparently, if you fall down, you fall into the bathroom of my home from the ceiling. I sit on a duplicate of the sink in my bathroom. Apparently, blowing into the blossom did do something, but it does not work because it's apparently unbalancing the forces, or something, so bad things will happen because of that.

      Waking up from that was really weird. For a few minutes, I couldn't remember where and who I was and had great difficulty to notice that the dream didn't really happen.
    3. Roaches, storm and transformations | [18.07.2021, 19.07.2021]

      by , 07-19-2021 at 03:46 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)

      Roach escape
      I am with my mother, caring for my pet roaches. Suddenly, there is thunder outside and, simultaneously, a roach presses itself through a small opening and my mother despairs as is usual with working with such escapists.


      I am at home, laying in bed. I look outside and see that there is a very dark and massive cloud there. Eventually, though, it moves away and I stand up, hoping to take a picture of a potential anvil. Then, I am back in bed and another storm comes around. This time, it does come to lightning here. My mother, who is scared of thunderstorms, says "Oh no.." as lightning impacts somewhere nearby, and the way the thunder sounds makes it sound like that there will be a second thunder that is much louder, but it doesn't come to that, so I comment that it probably wasn't a positive lightning strike.

      I am at home, somewhere past about 9 pm, using my laptop in the living room, where my mother is sitting as well, using her tablet. Then, I look to the left and see a bat on the wall. First, I comment on how none of us saw that then I put my laptop aside and run away in fear of the bat attacking me, and my mother tells me that they might bite or something like that. I come near the other end of the flat when I somehow grab the bat. For a few seconds, I am standing in a sort of large mansion with a pretty blue color palette used to paint the inside with the bat in my hand. Then I am back home, trying to handle the bat without it biting me. I think about killing it or something like that as I rotate it in my hands. A bit later, for some reason, I am the bat for a few seconds, and then there's a scene change.

      Apparently, I invited a friend over, who can make transformations or something. First, we are standing at night at the roach terrarium in the middle of the house and I transform into something there, but I don't remember what exactly happened. Then, after a small scene change where it is now somewhere mid- or late afternoon, we go into a room where we can probably be alone. There, the friend constructs the transformations from animal samples somehow, and I am eager to try it out. First, he wants to make one with snails (Gastropoda)¹, and I am one for a second. Then, there's a scene change again and I am back to normal. My mother wants something from me and I tell the friend to hide what he's doing, and then I go outside to distract my mother. Then, my father comes and wants something from the room so he just goes in, and luckily, the friend had hidden everything except the animals he was taking samples from, so my father asked what he was doing. As I woke up, I felt some disappointment, since it was pretty interesting.

      1: This was just because I stumbled across the term on Wikipedia yesterday.
    4. Close call with ghost leviathan area and command and conquer with Angela Merkel | [13.07.2021]

      by , 07-14-2021 at 04:02 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Close call with ghost leviathan area
      I am at the mountain island in Subnautica, and for some reason falling down into the water at the side like a rock. I am a bit scared of the reaper, but then I notice a hole, which I go in, but I notice the water color suddenly gets really dark and I am afraid a ghost leviathan might spawn so I quickly retreat.

      Command and Conquer with Angela Merkel
      I am on a sort of flat, circular island which is in its entirety surrounded by very spiky and cartoon-ish mountains, which also nearly split the island save for a ~10 meter gap. There is apparently a battle. It also seems to be a recurring dream, where last time there was an intense battle with mammoth tanks and artillery walkers, now it is that in my fraction the leader is Angela Merkel and apparently this time, after a short battle, for some reason they apparently realize they need to nuke each other, and so they do.

      Yeah, idk what that second dream was.
    5. Survival in chaos and war in my home | [11.07.2021]

      by , 07-11-2021 at 02:09 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Survival in chaos
      Dream fragment. There was some sort of survival situation, it seems to be happening with some sort of massive creatures or robots the dream itself compares to war of the worlds. At some point, at the location shown below (map day2_coast_09, Half-Life 2), a character imagined what it'd be like to be so powerful, which the dream illustrated. First, you saw a war of the worlds tripod emerge from the ocean, then, as it passed through an area where you can't see it, it turned into this large, bulky, and black robot and approaches something to fight it.

      War in my home
      There is a war in my home, and I am laying in a bed of sort with a friend who is fighting with me. He expresses his concerns if this position is safe, but I say that I can just play dead, but he doesn't feel safe so he runs away. Then, suddenly somebody discovers me, somebody with a female voice, who insults me and then crushes my skull. After just a second, it switches to the view of my friend.

      Then, there's a scene change. The war's over. A man is running around and complaining that he has to clean up. Apparently, there's a bunch of scorpions around because somebody broke a terrarium of sort. He puts away a few flower pots on the window sill and sees many small scorpions, which he crushes. Then, he sees what seems to be a dead tarantula on a cardboard box, which I know he thinks is a scorpion, which he whacks with something to make sure it's dead. Then, what appears to be an extremely agile spider jumps towards the man and I switch from spectator to active, as I then run away from the spider thing, which is now a butterfly or moth. It lands right in my face, and I try to wipe it off but it won't come off, which I explain to myself as the fact that it is way too flat. Then, somebody comes and gives me something which makes it easier to remove.

      Coast screenshot:
      Test tube baby Jesus-20210711141824_1.jpg
    6. Finding my cat and makeshift RTG | [10.07.2021]

      by , 07-10-2021 at 05:01 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      RTG = Radioisotope thermoelectric generator

      Finding my cat
      I am looking at some sort of website where we can apparently get a large list of benefits if we register, including ~350€. And apparently, they are saving cats they found alone outside by giving them away to new owners. I am afraid of that because one of my cats is roaming around outside after they ran away, but she always sticks to a certain area around my house, which means I can easily find her. But then I am not sure if she got taken away by that organization. Later, I find her in a bush and one of those people from the organization is wondering what I am doing, or maybe I just thought that they did, but I explain that this is my cat. Later, I think that it might have not been mine and that the cat just looked like mine. But I tell my mother anyway, and I ask if we should carry her home to save her or if we should use one of those portable cat cage-like things. She says we should use the latter.

      Makeshift RTG
      I am putting the last piece into my makeshift RTG: the radioactive material. It's this large pellet; it resembles ~2kg of plutonium, but in the dream, it's apparently not plutonium and I am having problems finding the name of it on the periodic table. I think it begins with W. Later, I show it to some friends on Discord, and when I return to it, the walls and ceiling of the space where the pellet is in are red hot, which is apparently according to how it's supposed to work. I feel around about 30cm above the ceiling of the little chamber in the middle, in which the pellet is sitting, and I feel the extreme heat of the chamber, even on my torso. I am also a bit worried that some of the heat I feel might be caused by radioactive particles hitting me.

      I have made a drawing of the makeshift RTG and also got the picture that the dream got inspired from:
      Your favourite things-dream_rtg.jpg
      Your favourite things-dream_rtg_open.jpg

      Picture of plutonium pellet
      Your favourite things-750px-plutonium-238_pellet.jpg
    7. Disgusting worm and losing a friend | [08.07., 09.07.2021]

      by , 07-09-2021 at 04:36 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)

      Disgusting worm
      Some sort of scientist created a worm that looks like a vein and is apparently parasitic. The worm is for some reason in my home and everything is flooded. Apparently, this is also a recurring dream. I try to grab the worm with tweezers, but it tries to attack my hand so I accidentally drop it in a cup of tea or coffee. Then it's on the ground again and I ask my mother where my garden gloves went. She says she doesn't know, but shortly after, I find them on top of a cupboard and put them on to protect myself from it when using tweezers again.


      Losing a friend
      I am at some sort of massive forge with a friend or two. We have to do some sort of task where we have to ascend a platform while everything is breaking down and there's a great risk of death. In the end, all but one friend manages to get on the platform and that friend who didn't make it died.

      Then, we have hope that they are still alive and try to look for them. Eventually, we find a YouTube channel of them that is apparently still posting some sort of Minecraft content and we find them in a jungle that looks like the jungle area in Just Cause 4.
    8. Metapsychology and a disappointing lucid | [04.07.2021]

      by , 07-05-2021 at 02:43 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      I am in some sort of doctor's office. There are multiple patients. Some seem to be suffering from some form of psychosis or schizophrenia, others I am not sure about. There is a doctor there, male and of older age, and he needs my assistance to perform a sort of metapsychological technique to help or cure them of their disease, though he does not explicitly label it as such.

      He puts me and the patients into a sort of dream state. In this state, we sort of float about in the room in a sort of OBE. He communicates with me by just talking into the room. The patients are invisible to me and him, so he just gives them instructions. He systematically cures their fears by putting them in such a fearful situation and then making them simply float out and show them that their fears can't hurt them. At one point, I somehow follow a patient exactly in their movements, and we fall into something like a golden vase. This time, the patient can't really do it, so the doctor panics a little but I somehow grab the patient and we float out, and I tell the doctor, who is relieved. Later it is shown that the doctor used something like game discs to activate the fear scenarios, which are on illuminated pedestals. Next up is a deep ocean scenario, which I try to delay because I have thallassophobia.

      Disappointing lucid
      After shortly waking up, I find myself in a dream. I am at home and wonder what happened in the last few hours. I remember the previous dream and wonder if that could've really happened, so I do a nose plug RC. I was surprised to see that I could breathe through my plugged nose, but, because I forgot to stabilize the dream, as I was thinking of what to do now, the dream collapsed and I woke up.
    9. Nice character died and disastrous tree portal | [17.06.2021]

      by , 06-18-2021 at 12:56 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Nice character died
      There was an adventure beforehand. While I and a group of other people were fleeing from monsters that shoot some form of projectile, he was hit and immediately killed. I sort of got sad as if he was a character from a movie that died, thinking that it's sad that they didn't continue on with his story. The character might not have been human.

      Disastrous tree portal
      There was something about entering a portal through a tree. It's sort of like a certain tree, where you do a certain thing with the bark and it opens, letting you go in and freefall into a different world of some sort.

      It appears it is like a trap, as I end up in a weird abandoned building, with strange lighting. It's like it's always dusk outside, the yellow light leading up the ghostly and dark hallways. It feels like the home of somebody who has died. All lights are off, and it seems like somebody just abruptly left. Everything seems like a still-life painting, with things laying around as if they were just about to be used. It's totally silent. I walk through the corridor, which is located on the second floor and on the east side of the building and is pretty narrow. On the right side are the aforementioned windows, and to the left are several doors. Suddenly, some sort of woman appears.

      Cut to some sort of video clip, showing several catastrophes, such as a rollercoaster accident. In the end, it always zooms into the face of the first person who dies, just a second before it happens, showing their scared, screaming faces.

      At some point, I am in a sort of white void, with a single patch of forest as a representation of the tree portal and the area around it. There is some sort of large person about it, about 4 meters in height. He is male, and I seem to trust and know him. He gives me advice on how to get back into the normal world.

      Cut back to the corridor. There is a woman there, I know she is a demon, presumably from the advice I got. I hide in a cupboard of sorts, or maybe behind a door that was set down in the corridor, but she finds me. Quickly, I think about the weak points of the human body, but I don't remember. Then, shortly after, I see a knife right of me on a window sill. I quickly grab it and ram it into the heart of the woman, but she just laughs, so I ram it into her stomach and then, finally, I slit her throat and then I ram it in her throat. Then, she is dead.
    10. Talking about my health and harry potter-ish lucid | [29.05.2021]

      by , 05-29-2021 at 01:40 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Talking about my health
      It's night, and I'm laying in bed. Someone whom I don't remember is laying in a bed somewhere in the room. We're sending each other messages in the form of newspapers we write with magic, possibly with a wand.

      We tell each other about our health, apparently. Towards the end he says something along the lines of "You shouldn't complain so much" and that makes me mad, so I just go to sleep, possibly after a remark from my side.
      I transiently wake up, and, after a minute, I go back to sleep.

      Harry Potter-ish lucid
      I am around the street where I live. I see teenagers, behaving somewhat like Ron and Hermione, and I go to them. Suddenly we're in a sort of organization, and we walk behind a house, where we're hidden, and we practice magical spells. I say that I'd especially like to practice forbidden spells (I seem to refer to forbidden in Hogwarts), which the characters behaving like Ron and Hermione seem to like.

      Small scene change, I'm now walking away from that practice area with the characters I'll just call Ron and Hermione now, for convenience. I spontaneously become lucid. I think for a moment of what to do, and I decide to grow dragon wings since I've always wanted to experience flight. I tell them to watch what I can do, and I try to grow the wings, focusing. But it doesn't work, so I just remark: "Hm, doesn't work..."

      Scene change. Semi-lucid now. We're in a classroom, apparently in Hogwarts. There's an old, grumpy-looking woman who's the teacher. I'm sitting next to Ron. He says we're getting tests now, and as he says that, the teacher puts a piece of paper on each of our sides of the desk. Still semi-lucid, I decide to do the test.

      When she gave everyone a test, she says we should start, and I take out a pen.
      Now lucidity is gone. I talk for a while with Ron, not noticing I should work on the test. As the teacher walks by, I quickly take my test and try to look as if I'm working, and the teacher seems to simply ignore the fact that my test is empty, despite having had 5 minutes of time to work on it. I try to work on the first task, which is to rearrange a given set of letters magically into a specified sentence. I try to think really hard and see if I can remember the spell, but I don't, so I reluctantly put my hand up to ask the teacher. She comes over to me, and I tell her I don't remember the spell. She simply says that one surely wouldn't need more than a pen to finish this test, in a sort of humiliating way. I don't really care that she tried to humiliate me, but more about the fact that it seems pretty incompetent that she doesn't even know her own test. So, I just look around the class, and I spot a boy constantly farting, and the boy behind him clearly not enjoying that, putting his head down on his desk in anguish.

      That second dream was nice, just a spontaneous DILD. Just annoying my dream control didn't work, and that I forgot about stabilization and increasing lucidity.

      The farting boy clearly represented my totally mature classmates in real life, although the boy was a bit closer to the age where one would usually be expected to do something as immature as that.
    11. Talking to my mother, Ghost leviathans: the return and buying dogs | [19.05.2021]

      by , 05-21-2021 at 12:14 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Talking to my mother
      I was talking to my mother, possibly about a vacuum cleaner.

      Ghost leviathans: the return
      My father is watching a video about Subnautica on the living room TV. Once it ends, he clicks on a second video, and the title alarms me to the fact that it might be about ghost leviathans. He starts by flying from the sky down to the water, like with the freecam command. Then he's playing normally and swimming at the top with a seaglide. Then he swims down and I repeatedly tell my father to pause since I with my thallassophobia don't quite enjoy it. He pauses it in the last second before a ghost leviathan would've appeared.

      Buying dogs
      I am in a supermarket with my mother, and we see a basket of pugs being sold. We decide to buy them. Then we are at home, which is apparently a farm, built in a weird area right in the middle of the border of 4 or more biomes. There also seem to be some strange temporal and general anomalies in reality. Then I am going to sleep, and on my way, I see that two of the pugs have lied down together on my mother's legs, and I wonder if that can even be comfortable. It also seems we just recently moved, since I felt a bit uncomfortable sleeping there.

      The next day, I see an old woman sitting on a clearly very old and abandoned swing, on a moderately large, totally overgrown field of grass. There might have also been a seesaw made of solid wood, which has by now totally rotten. I don't know what happened in between, but now she's awake. She tells me she's supposed to have been in a coma for 20 years, and that I apparently woke her up 10 years too early. I tell her that I'll put her back in a coma and that it will feel like only 5 seconds have passed, and so I do that.
    12. Bizarre but nice adventure-like dream | [16.05.2021]

      by , 05-16-2021 at 03:23 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Bizarre but nice adventure-like dream
      It starts out on the view of a sort of maze-like structure. It appears to be floating in a pitch-black, destructive void, and only anything within the maze is safe. The colors within are weird, it's like everything you can see is just something like digital edge detection, where only some edges are white or dimly colored, and everything else is just pitch black. The geometry is also unstable, and it appears that sometimes, if you walk into a wall, you just go through it and disappear into the void, so you have to try to just stay on the paths. At some point, I appear to be on a wall, and it's paper-thin, yet unbreakably hard.

      Then I am at a door within the maze, and it's the only part where there is any normal color and geometry. It's blue and decorated with what appears to be runes or some sort of other symbols. It's like the door in Snowdin from Undertale, where one can fight Glyde.

      Then I am there with a friend, and it appears we can find treastures behind it, but there is some danger associated with it. We have a sort of key and as we approach it, a sort of cutscene plays where it just swings open, with only blackness shown behind it. Then we're behind it, and it looks like Waterfall from Undertale, but the layout is totally unrelated. We're walking through lots of water in a narrow and rather linear tunnel, with the colors being the usual from Waterfall: blue-purplish walls, blue water. I'm in a sort of 2D view, and I see that, behind the walls bounding the tunnel, there is only that same void that was outside of the maze. We walk along it, my friend being quite a bit faster than me, and at some point, we find a wooden chest with gold lining and open it.

      Out of it seems to jump some type of items, only one of which I really saw, which was a sort of long, white and modern looking gun. I imagine using it, and it appears that this is now related to Terraria, as I think about fighting a Terraria boss with it. I try to pick it up by walking against it, but it only responds by sliding away, so I try to "press a button" (not sure how or what actually happened when I tried it).

      I don't know if I managed to pick it up in the end, but my friend alarms me of the fact that we might be chased by something. I get really anxious, and my friend responds the same, so we run away towards the maze as fast as possible, now in a 3D view, with things being sort of translated to a Minecraft-like look, along with how I and my friend look. I find that double-pressing "W" makes me run (and gives me an effect sort of like the Hermes boots from Terraria) and I manage to run faster than my friend.

      Wow. That was some great recall. The dream also had a strange feeling associated with it, especially in the dim, empty tunnel. It's like it was too silent, and there was just something wrong or missing, which evoked this scared but interesting feeling.
    13. Harry Potter once again | [13.05.2021]

      by , 05-13-2021 at 02:43 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Harry Potter once again
      I am on a broom with someone. We're flying around this rural and foggy area, and it appears lord Voldemort is chasing us. I act as a guide, and it appears this is a video-game-but-not again, and I tell the other guy on the broom that he should use the neon rocket ability thing from inFamous: Second Son (the R1 button thing for neon) and aim at Voldemort's head. He seems to be pretty bad at aiming and I get annoyed by him not just firing at certain points at which he could've hit. The environment seems to be like the area where a tunnel in Just Cause 3 is, where you fly your first wingsuit course, but, instead of the tunnel, it's just a road on a cliffside, on which there is nothing to tunnel through. There's also a bridge above some sort of foggy mudflat, being devoured by the tide. It looks like the golden gate bridge, just way smaller and the colors quite desaturated. Around the bridge, I told the guy with me to fire the rockets. I also had the Second Son UI pop up as he tried to do that.

      This game includes so many different things from media that I probably have to hope it doesn't get copyrighted. And why Harry Potter again? This is also a rare occurrence of dream characters actually existing, and even behaving like they're human. But good that I've managed to recall this that much.
    14. Freaky subway nightmare | [11.05.2021]

      by , 05-12-2021 at 02:58 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Freaky subway nightmare
      I remember that the situation is like playing a video game again, although this time I feel like I am forced to play, despite my fear of seeing some gruesome image within it. Then I am in the game, physically, and it's regarded as real. There's something about being underground. There's something I don't remember, then I am in a sort of train with people, and I sort of have to save us by getting weird rubbery things on circular parts on a metal box that seems to be central to the function of the train. I notice nobody else is doing anything and that if we don't manage to do this, we will crash with full force into a sort of other chambers, which we are sort of falling into from the top, and to brake we have to get the rubber things on there. I also appear to be some female character relevant to the story, and she might have a name starting with A. I see that nobody else is trying to save us, so I animate them to help. But then, I struggle to do it, so we soon crash. But then suddenly, there's like a second try, so this time, the same things happen, except that this time, I manage to get most of the rubber things on. I think we will die again, but this time, the train brakes and stops in the chamber with no one hurt.

      This might not seem freaky, but there's some sort of deep fear associated with this gruesome image. There were some past dreams that were so horrible that I've supressed them, with a much stronger version of this fear associated with it that are still horrible to think about today. Not sure where this fear comes from, but I probably don't want to know, to be honest.
    15. Strange star | [25.04.2021]

      by , 04-25-2021 at 04:44 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Strange star
      I am viewing stars in a sort of program, but it's somehow also real, as if I am flying through space myself. There is a sort of feeling that is somewhat scary, and also a bit exciting. I come past stars that look like normal stars, glowing in their usual red, blue and yellow. But then I come across a massive structure. It reminds me of the death star, but as I look closely, the structure is much different. It seems artistic, with abstract geometry.

      There was something that happened before that, but I don't quite remember.
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