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    1. Sense of Touch

      by , 10-22-2013 at 07:22 PM
      I frequently lucid dream (3-4 times a week), but I don't log them very much anymore. I had another quite extensive and eventful one last night due to spinning as I would often change my settings and explore different environments and situations of interaction. This dream in-particular enabled me to understand how to control an aspect I've never really considered. Most of the time I am limited to what I am able to control, but this time I rectified a perplexing obstacle that suddenly occurred as a result of my lucid awareness. When I become lucid I am aware that the world around me is artificial, thus consequently logical outcomes may be effected. When you believe you are awake, then the laws of physics are thought to be intact, thus you would unlikely walk through a wall, but when you are lucid the rules change simply because you are aware of the synthetic world that is being perceived. Here's a brief illustration of my dream:

      I wake up from my bed and walk toward my window and encounter someone who I have not been in touch with for over a year. I immediately find this encounter improbable due to many variables, so I immediately reality check (check my hands). I suddenly realize I am dreaming due to the asymmetry of my hands. I approach this individual and we casually discuss our previous relationship. I am unable to recall the very discussion, so the dialogue isn't clear. This entire conversation/interaction had a less emotional appeal realizing that I am in fact not in the waking world, but in a reality created by my mind. Realizing that the prospect of awkward third person perspective simply isn't feasible, I decided to reach for this individual's hand. My attempt to grasp the physical appendage of her limb wasn't a logical predicted outcome. My hand simply went right through hers (as my body does when I walk through walls during LD's). I attempted to grab her arm as well, but I was unable. It was as if I was interacting with a ghost. I stood there and ruminated over probable methods of control to enable the sense of touch. I tried to imagine her limb as a solid object as an effort to grasp it, but I was rendered nonplussed as to how I could make contact physically. After expending many attempts, I then came to the conclusion that focusing on an object as a solid object didn't work in this case. Instead, I focused on my own sense of touch against my own arm in the waking world. I slowly moved my fingers down her forearm and was finally capable of mentally elucidating the sense of touch upon her skin.

      I moved my hand up and down her arm focusing on that sense and somewhere in my brain, I finally defied that lack of control and abdicated the arbitrary ways of this mysterious reality. I accomplished the emulation of physical contact through focus of my own senses. I then attempted to hug this individual, but again went right through her. I made a secondary attempt, but this time with focus on previous experiences of being hugged by another human being. The contact was successful. I felt the warmth of her body and the touch of her skin upon mine.

      I feel that sometimes events may happen spontaneously briefly after becoming lucid due to the knowledge of your state, and sometimes that may affect your ability to carry out simple logical tasks.
      These tasks may be accomplished through focus on previous experience of the senses rather than forcefully attempting without proper focus.

      I found her sense of touch greatly enhanced in the dream when I found my focus; more so than in the waking world. Subsequent events occurred after spinning, but I'll end this journal here.

      Thanks for reading!
      Tags: emotion, sense, touch
    2. January 27th, 2013

      by , 01-27-2013 at 05:30 PM
      I fell asleep at around 8:10 AM and woke up at 9:02 AM.

      The dream began in an unusual setting; I was in the basement of my cousin's house searching for an old laptop I thought I may have left there. My cousin was with me and we were discussing recent events and the very topic we were discussing conflicted with the activity I was engaged in. I realized I didn't need that old laptop when I have a newer more powerful PC at my house. This recollection influenced my decision to perform a reality check. I looked at my hands and instantly realized I was in a dream. I was unable to focus on the texture of my palms and my fingers bulged significantly. I informed my cousin that I have come to the realization that I am in a dream, then my cousin laughed at the absurdity. I spun and changed the environment to an outdoor setting. I was in a field not too far from my current home. I launched myself into the sky and flew North toward some woods. As I hovered over the familiar woods; I began to enter unknown territory and the terrain below me became unrealistically vibrant. During the flight I altered the appearance of trees, ground patterns, and mountains. I re-designed the world as I perceived it and the typical wave of euphoria fell over me. I landed in someone's backyard near a pool. I met a woman named "Ashley" and what we discussed pertained to college but I'm unable to recall the actual dialogue. I decided to jump into the pool. The water was warm and felt thicker than real water. I forced myself under and didn't bother holding my breathe due to the fact that I am aware there's no need. I swam deeper and the pool suddenly seemed less like a pool and more like the ocean I continued swimming in the endless pool and encountered rough sea coral and indistinct colorful shapes. I surfaced and found myself in the middle of the ocean. I spun around and I was back at the pool and Ashley was laughing and asked me an unexpected question about my hair's length (I've been considering a haircut for some time now). I swam toward the side of the pool and things became fuzzy. I didn't bother prolonging the dream with spinning and decided to let myself awaken. I woke up, got out of bed, and went to my bathroom and turned on my shower. I walked past my mirror and the reflection seemed a little unusual, my eyes seemed closer together and slanted and as I stared I noticed shifting proportions. I checked my hands and became aware of the false awakening and attempted to awaken myself again; this time with success.