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    3 way shared dream

    by , 10-12-2010 at 05:23 PM (793 Views)
    Raven Knight:

    I thought I was about to wake up, so I told MoSh and Asuka that. MoSh asked if I couldn't dilate time, I said I certainly could try that, so I focused on Allura's method of time dilation. That seemed to work, the dream became stable again, so I figured we could keep going. I focused on opening a portal to find Kaomea, then MoSh and I went through the portal.

    As MoSh and I stepped out of the portal, I looked around to see we were now on a beach next to what I thought looked a bit like a lagoon, or it at least looked like the lagoon I used to see when watching old reruns of Gilligan's Island… I looked closer and spotted Kaomea on the beach, she was looking out over the water and didn't seem to have noticed us yet. MoSh said her name, and she looked over at us with a weird smile on her face. She climbed up on a rock and slipped off all of her clothes, so she was now standing up there in the nude… I wasn't sure what to make of that… She looked directly at MoSh and then jumped into the water, turning into a mermaid on her way down and entering the lagoon with a splash. She surfaced and looked over at MoSh again, then proclaimed she likes swimming naked with men who have old souls… uh… I wasn't sure what to make of that, did it confirm she needed healing? Was that her normal behavior? I had no clue…

    MoSh apparently took it as in invitation, as he waded out into the lagoon, I'm not sure if his clothes disappeared, but if they did, they didn't vanish until that part was underwater. Kaomea giggled a bit, it appeared to me she was a bit amused by his modesty, which I figured was because I was there. Kaomea hadn't really acknowledged my presence at all, and if she was going to want to get hot and wild with MoSh, that was something I didn't really want to hang around and see. But MoSh had seemed so sure that she needed healing, so I figured I would stick around for a bit longer and make sure nothing bad happened.

    As MoSh and Kaomea moved farther out into the lagoon, I saw there was a whirlpool out there that hadn’t been there just a moment before. There were figures coming out of the whirlpool, too, which didn't seem too likely, and the things coming out of it were butt ugly. There were zombies coming out of the whirlpool, zombies that distinctly reminded me of the evil pirates in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie, the ones that turned into zombies when the light of the moon shined on them. Of course right now it was daylight, and these zombies looked every bit as disgusting as the ones on Pirates of the Caribbean movie, and the strangest thing was a couple of them were whispering something to Kaomea. She was listening intently to them, then she turned towards MoSh and smirked. She said if he was her soul mate, she was going to kill herself right now so she could spend eternity with the zombie pirate to her right. My stomach churned and I thought I might vomit when she kissed the thing, kissing a zombie? That was truly disgusting, and when she pulled away I could see the slime of decaying flesh sticking to her face, though she seemed completely unaware of it.

    First MoSh looked stunned, then he looked mad, leading me to wonder if he had somehow forgotten the reason we'd had for tracking Kaomea down in the first place, to heal her from dark energy infection. Apparently she was still infected, and those zombies weren't making things any better. And she was getting nasty, too, she was telling MoSh that there was no way that any woman would put up with the likes of him, that he would grow old and die a complete no one and when he did die, no one would give a shit, that all that would be left is for him to sink into the realm of the forgotten souls and rot there for eternity, she was laughing in a nasty manner…

    While she was coming up with nasty things to say to MoSh, I had turned into a mermaid and swam out towards her, she still wasn't paying any attention at all to me, I figured that was fine… she didn't need to be paying attention for me to do a healing spell. She was saying more nasty things to MoSh that I didn't catch, and then I was focusing on Touch My Heart. Before the spell could really get started, however, MoSh was charging at Kaomea, getting mad at her for deceiving him, for playing games with him when she knew perfectly well he was seriously looking for Asuka's twinner in his waking life. I did a brief double take, but then I swam away from Kaomea and grabbed MoSh, I saw all the zombies standing around Kaomea laughing at us, she was laughing right along with them, I told MoSh to quit it, we had known before coming here that Kaomea was infected with dark energy, this was just a symptom of that. He didn't seem to quite get that, so I told him that I would take care of healing Kaomea if he could just keep the zombies off of us while I was doing it. He finally agreed to that.

    So while MoSh was attacking the zombies, I went over to Kaomea and focused again on the song Touch My Heart, using it to pull dark energy out of her and replace it with light energy… if she was Asuka's twinner, then she should be using light energy… This time the song played through without interruption. I saw MoSh off to the side a couple of times doing an interesting version of underwater martial arts… and kicking serious zombie ass with it. One of the zombies got almost close enough to interfere with my spell, but MoSh interfered with him and kicked him so hard in the face that his head flew off. I was thinking MoSh had been acting a bit negative himself, so I finished Touch My Heart, directing some of the healing energy at MoSh, as well. After this was done I woke.

    Note: I don't have any solid memories of when I was going to share a dream with both of them to try to remember music, but I am remembering some music that I don't think I've actually heard IWL.

    My Dreams:


    Asuka was healed earlier and me and Raven go after kaomea to heal her as well. she's by a large pool, and jumps in. She turnes into a mermaid and says. "I love swimming naked with men who's souls are old." At first my heart stops but then I realize she was giving me a back-handed compliment because I am the soul of a sage. I jump in after her.

    some weird creepy mermen are luring her into a water abyss. They start making her say mean things to me. I lose control and I begin to battle her. Raven is with us now trying to stop me. She reminds my I am supposed to fight the creepy mermen.

    missing time

    what is the question?

    I am on facebook chatting with M. I can't remember the conversation much. Our convo boxes are on the left hand side of the page instead of the right. I get an answer to a question that I forgot I asked. I even forgot the question. all I know is that i clearly saw her answer as "Yes." not expecting that, I woke up suddenly.

    House wtf.

    I travel to Ontario to see my family there but instead enter my inner world house. I walk around and the place is filled with people. I see Dan and tell him i have the money to pay him back from years ago.

    I decide to go downstairs. The house is huge and impressive. I know I've never seen it before and yet I recognize the place. I look around and find every room from memory is there. I go into the living room area of the basement. There are lots of people seated at a table. The all are sitting at computer consoles. I wait to use one, but then everyone gets up and makes the consoles disappear.

    I go upstairs and havea smoke outside. I go back in and still realize I have the butt in my hand. I go into the kitchen to look for a garbage can but I can't find any.I find Asuka in the kitchen baking cookies. But she looks worn out. It's like those over exaggerated commercial of smokers when their face gets wrinkly. I ask her where the garbage can is. she says she doesn't care anymore about leaving garbage around, just eat a cookie and things will be fine. I shrug and go downstairs. I see a pile of ashes on a part of the ground.

    I sit down on a couch Next to Kao mea, several other people are on the couch as well. We are watching some movie.

    Fa, and I'm on the couch, the lights are out and everyone's asleep. Kaomea is falling asleep and leaning on me. I begin whispering things in her ear but have no idea what i am saying. She starts leaning too heavily on me and pretty soon I feel like she is crushing me. a wave of panic hits me and I try to push her off,but i notice my hand is in her hair. (apperently i was running my hands through her hair earlier). I try to get my hand out but my hand is caught in her hair. I don't want ot hurt her and start screaming. She wakes up and screams as well and I wake up.


    I’m lying in a grassy field with my back against the grass. I feel safe and loved but my eyesight is pretty blurry as I’m trying to focus on what’s going on. I notice that all I’m wearing aside from nothing is two strips of white fabric which rest on top of the two areas of my body that would essentially be covered in such a predicament. I see a man (Mosh) and he’s just looking at me. He looks a little sad about something, remorseful maybe. I just continue trying to figure out what’s going on and then I feel some odd water sensation or ice being placed near my, er, well on the lower white strip of fabric. Then I feel it run or drip down between my legs and I’m thinking, what the hell is going on and this is really cold! Still unable to focus I decide to just ignore it and watch Mosh lay down on the grass about a few feet away from me; he’s still looking at me but not saying anything. I notice that he has the same ice applied to himself as well. I get an odd impression of music playing and a feeling of being healed (Raven!) but I don’t see anyone else. (After waking up, I stumbled upon the actual song I heard in the dream, “Oh girl” by The Chi-Lites. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjN8huzS2Nc )

    Mosh Conversation

    I am sitting at a computer looking at DV, looking through Mosh’s DJ for something. I find what I’m looking for. It is a conversation between him and I that he recorded. It was what I said ‘yes’ to. It was a lengthy entry but the part that sticks in my head was, “Thank you for claiming me” or “Will you claim me.” I think it seems very sweet, it makes sense, but then another part of my brain kicks in and did a sort of mental face palm and starts laughing at the uniqueness of the situation and how corny it all sounded. I was flipping through someone elses DJ but I can’t remember who or what. That was important.

    (I was just about to fall asleep when I kept getting a nagging feeling that something was wrong with Asuka, it wouldn’t go away. I wasn’t sure if she was kidnapped again but something definitely wasn’t right. All that flooded through my mind at one point was a VERY strong impression of me shouting and screaming, “RAVEN! RAVEN! RAAAAAVEN!!!” All I could think was, ooooooh fuck. The next dream didn’t shed light on why I was screaming, that annoys me)

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