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    Ice Cream Machine and Gay Friends

    by , 02-21-2011 at 05:03 AM (667 Views)
    This dream is an extension from the previous dream but i thought it deserved it's own slot as a seperate dream.
    I was scared of Mario now that i know how he got his scar. SO i decided to go the other direction towards the store. There was an ice-crema machine, similar to the one that was recently put into the school. I figured that if i could go over to it, i could be safe from Mario and i could get a frozen treat, so i did. I was inside i eating my ice cream when i saw that my friends who were now outside were acting sort of weird, so i gotout and saw what was going on. Mr. Castagna was coming from afar, and with him was a little girl. He came over and told me that i had to help her get some ice-cream, and i thought nothing of it as i helped prop her up and help her into the machine. (The machine was a like a photo booth in the way that you sit inside it while eating your ice-cream.) As i did so, she turned into a sort of toy almost. It was as if i was putting her into the seat of a motorcycle or something you would put a toy into, except for the fact it was an ice-cream machine. Then without warning, aparently, the girl thought it was the bathroom or something, for she started peeing all over the machine and all over me as well. I was astonished at what she was doing. I knew i had to do something so i took hold of a bunch of clothes that were in the back of the machine and started putting them on her, suffocating her almost. I was above her now as i said, "How's that?!" And then as i started to take the clothing back off of her, i noticed that it was Hannah... It was really weird because, first of all, she aws tiny, and second of all, she was a zombie. She was laughing excessively as she slowly fell out of the machine and to the ground. As she finally hit the ground, her head broke free from her body. I got out of the machine, and as i turned around the machine was full of clothes and Graeme and Kurt (From Glee) were both inside it, sourrounded by a plethora of clothes. I saw a shirt that was appealing to me so i grabbed it and told them that i liked it, then i turned it around to reveal and Army logo on the back. I quickly set it don and stated my immediate disgust and we all laughed together. Then is was, oddly, over.

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