Memorable Dreams
04.03.2011Glasses Classroom (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Log: 11:00pm Friday, march 3-4th, 2011 6:00am Hours: 7:00m Alarm: 6:00am Natural Awakening: 4:30am The first dream starts out as i walk into a class late. I had my flippy glasses on and as i sat down the teacher told me to take them off. I took them off and we got started. After a minute, he told me to take them off, and i was confused because i thought i did... But i didn't apparently. It happened one more time and by now, i was laughing and so were the other kids inthe class, and the teacher. It was funny. Then it ended. _________________________ 04.03.2011Choir Running Singing (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID This second dream started in the hallway near the band and choir rooms. All of the choir plus Jacob was there, and we were all running and singing at the same time. We sang one song, then starting singing Poker Face by Lady Gaga. I remember specifically singing it, it was weird... But we kept going and kept singing until we got to the ramp. We went down it and into the West Atrium. There were many people, and they were confused about why we were singing, but they also started to realize and get happy about the fact that they got a show. Jaocb wanted to sing a specific song, so he needed someone's phone to look it up. He got someones, and it was fancy and big, and he searched and found it, and the one he chose was that which contained a funny Japanese man singing a very annoying tune, but as it played, and my brain comprised a song to play, it was more of a techno song and i could never hear the Japanese man. And then it ended. _________________________ 04.03.2011Hugs and Warmth (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID The was one of the best dreams i have had in a while, it was so simple, yet so amazing. I was in my room with Izzie, and we had been hanging out or something previously. It was casual and nothing was really going on, but it was nice. It seemed as if it was time to go now, and we were heading out. I was giving her a hug, and it was nice, but i said, " Oh, come on, you can do better than that!" So i squeezed her tight and she squeezed back and it was very close, and very warm. We both smiled and walked dowstairs. Jacob and Megan were in the basement and they were talking about how Megan needed to get home and she might have to take the bus, we were simpathetic and all trying to figure out how we could get her there. We thought of going with her on the bus, but we didn't. I cannot remember the dicisionwe finally came to. And then the dream ended.
28.02.2011School and Clothing (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Log: 6:00am Monday, February 28, 2011 6:20am Hours: 0:20m Alarm: 6:00 Audio: None I obviously got more sleep than 20 minutes, but i only remembered this dream. The dream starts as i sit bored in a classroom. I start to get organized as the class comes to an end. I had to grab a lot of clothing for some reason, i had two pairs of shoes, a pair of shorts, and something else i can't remember. I got it all in my arms and backpack on as i left the class, and as i left, about a program the school was doing that involved giving points equal to those of the dumb people to the smart people, Austin Swaim walked out saying some stupid remark about it. I walked out and i was headed toward homeroom. I went up the stairs, and when i got to the top i saw Sam and we grabbed hands and i told her i would meet her back here, because i had to find my shoes that i lost. I looked around and decided to go down the stairs again, but as i was trying to get down the stairway that was kind of small, Mrs. Frazer was at her desk getting something, and as i tried to step down, Franklin put his arm out and stopped me. Apparently Mrs. Frazer needed to talkto me and the other homeroom people. I told her that i would have the money next time (For something having to do with Cancer...). So i decided to go back upstairs instead and i then saw a shoe lost and found! A few people, 3 or 4 were there frantically trying to find their shoes before class starts, and i saw mine right there! But, before i could go over and get them, my brother woke me up, his voice saying my name through a dream character, and then i woke up. It was awesome.
22.02.2011Rock Climbing with the Girls (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Log: 9:30pm Teusday, February 21-22nd, 2011 6:00am Hours: 8:30m Alarm: 6:00 Audio: None WILD: No I woke up naturally right at the end of this dream. This was coincidental becasue i had just read about how your mind wakes you up when the plot is through. It ended and i immediately woke up, even at 4:00 in the morning. This dream starts out as i am running or quickly walking through a rocky environment. I was up in far into the cliffs and caves. I was heading downwards and all of the sudden i hit a rock in my way. I foolishly realized that the place i was trying to get to was further on in the quest and knew that i had to keep going. As i climbed up and over the rock, i ran into Lena, and i put both hands on her shoulders and asked her if we could keep going, i was begging almost. She said we could. Very immediately, the numbers of characters increased greatly and they changed also. It was now Allison, Sam, Brenna, and Megan. I was much happier with this group of young ladies. As i went further up the rock to climb out the hole, my ipod fell from my pants pocket and fell to the ledge where only magic could help me. I kept going after i solemnly pointed out that i had finally lost my ipod. I was happier than ever inthis dream, ecstatic almost. I swung around suddenly, grabbing hold of Allison. She helplessly pleaded to me not to swing! Never swing! She kept saying it. So i apologized. And it had gotten into twilight by now. We decided at some point to go back home. As we headed back over the rock i was trying to get over, i noticed that we were standing on a flat rock surface. That meant that my ipod wasn't lost after all! I rushed over to the pile of rock and dug through it until i found my ipod, better than ever. All of the sudden now we were back home, and it was Brenna's house but looked like mine. All except for one thing. There was a giant hammock-like pathway from the slide part of the swingset to the roof. This was how you get to the rock climbing environments. I wanted to impress Sam, so as we walked off of the deck, I climbed effortlessly to the top of it. I was casually laying there as Sam walked out and she was smiling. Then Brenna came over and i was laying on it talking about how ocmfortable it was. Then i could tell by the look on her face that i should get down... I said something about how expensive i thought it was, and she agreed. And then i got down, and it ended.
28.08.2010Fisrt Lucid Dream (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I have no log for this dream, because it was so long ago. The dream starts in a green, grassy park, sourrounded by giant mountains and tall trees all around me. I was with Walker, Hannah, and Izzie and we were all hanging out. I became lucid all of the sudden and it wasn't intense, but it was sudden. The reaosn i became lucid was because someone mentioned flying, and i snapped to attention. When i started looking around, being so detail oriented already, i knew i had to examine something, so i immediately crouched down to the ground and picked a blade of grass. I looked it over and i was smiling with joy as i took in the vivid detail and i was ecstatic with happiness. I was still not lucid enough to realize that my friends were dream characters, soi was talking to them. I told them that this was a dream and that they needed to stay calm. As i kept trying to tell them to stay calm, they ran away, causing me to be ever so slightly frustrated with them, causing me to disregard my own advice. And as soon as that happened, the dream was over.
21.02.2011School, Werewolf, Megan (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Log: 11:11pm Monday, February 20-21st, 2011 8:49am Hours: (No joke, exactly 10 hours) Alram: None Audio: None This dream was awesome. I was at school and i was hanging out with people before class on an Orange Day. I had to go to choir. I remember asking someone what day it was, and then realizing that it was good that i didn't have Science. So i was talking to people, mostly Riley, and the time was nearing that i had to go to choir. For some reason i had brought a few stuffed animals to school for somesort of spirit day or something. I brought Simba with me, i don't know whay i didn't become lucid, because i would NEVER do that. But Montana had one exactly like mine. I couldn't go to class until i looked both of them over and determined which one was mine. So i looked and looked, made a decision and then changed my mind until i finally noticed that Montana's has a giant whole straight through the head. I laughed it off, put Simba in my backpack, and as i was leaving i noticed that Uni was on the ground. I was just like, "Really people?" And put it into my backpack as well. By now it was well past the bell ringing. It was half and hour into class already. So i sat down next to Riley and asked him ifhe thought she would be fine with it. Then i said that i had seen others doing that but i've never done it myself. SO thought about it and thought about it and finally came to the conclusion that i would go. But right as i made that decision, a bunch of people started coming into the atrium. I saw people from choir so i thought they were let out early. So it was all good now. I wanted to talk to some more people now. I saw Hannah, Sam, and Megan Ives. They were all siting at a table. I went over and sat next to them. But they all got up immediately becasue aparently, they had something to do. So i was sitting there all by myself. But then the girls came back around and realized it was me. They all sat down, Sam imediately to my left with Hannah behind her, and Megan to my right across the table a little bit. They said hello and stuff like that, but then they started complaining about how cold they all were. And so i pointed out the apparent fact that i was scorching hot. As i let them touch my arm they were amazing and in awe at the sheer heat radiating from my body. The soonnoticed that it was like being a werewolf. One of them quoted the book or something and Hannah immitated the way Bella may have touched Jacob, and i made fun of her playfully. I was ultimately impressed with myself and the high level at which my flirting was at during the interation. I was happy. Then it ended. _________________________ 21.02.2011Taco Store, and Chasing (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID This dream starts out in a store that is fairly small. It resembles the gas station near the school. I was there with my family, but at the same time, i was in school. I went to check out, and i had something to do with tacos and a can of soda. I asked him if $5 would work, and he asked ifi was used to paying 75 cents atthe other gas station and i said yes. He said it was ok, but the prices had gone up. He was devestated for some reason. He told me a heartfelt story of his life as the owner or something. I was touched and as i left i told him to have a great day. I turned to myleft and started back toward the school, but in this case it was also back towards my house. As i took off, in fornt of me a a group of 5 or 6 smokers. They were actually considerate as they, instead of letting the smoke go behind themand affect me, they blew it down towards the ground in an almost ocol effect. I tried to get passed them by walking extemely fast. I worked for a few people, but then Carlton and Daniel Marcus were next to me and they insisted on tlaking to me, but i didn't want to. But regardless i asked Carlton to do the coolsmoke thing. I can't remember if he did it or not. But we kept going, and the snow got worse and worse as we approached a hill. We had to climb up the snow. It was slippery and very hard to do. I got up particularly fast, and the others asked how i did it so well. I laughed and told them that it was my childhood. Curtis was behind me, and i thought it would be funny to push him down so he would have to climb all the way back up. So i did it and he complained. But he somehow got to the top before me and took off running. I climbed ever faster and as i got to the top i told someone to watch my coat as i took off running after him. I don't know the reason i was chasing him in the first place, but i did it anyway. We were going at full capacity and it felt great. I started running out of gas, and he just kept going. So i had to use my intelligence rather than speed to catch him. He went through someone's garden and said that he was going to win because he had been there before, and it did seem familiar, as if he had done a video there before. But i simply went around, and he wa there and i ran one last time as fast as i could and finally tackled him down to the ground. And then it ended. _________________________ 21.02.2011Zoo Animals, Jurassic Park Island (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I cannot remember much from this dream. I know animals were involved and we had to get them from one place to another. The place we were trying to get them was similar to an island that Jurrasic Park took place on. It was secretive and amazing. I was the head of the operation. The only other thing i can remember is the plane rides. There were many people, and they were all drinking soda. By the end of the ride, the drinks were being delivered automatically people they already knew hey liked the soda so much. Then it was over.
Updated 02-21-2011 at 06:59 PM by 41214 (Tiny Mistake)
Log: 10:00 January 23-24, 2011 05:30 Hours: 7:30 m Alarm: Yes Audio: None People: Brenna Ashleigh, Sam Aschwanden, Tessa Henessy A bunch of us were at the park and we were all playing around, and it seems as if i was being somewhat of a loner and just climbing and swinging on my own. It was pretty fun. I was on one side of the playset, and i jumped a big gap and successfully pulled it off. I went back around ad got over to the place were i started before and contemplated doing the same thing again. On this side with me Sam and Brenna were behind or on the side of me. On the other side of the playground was a few people, i couldn't tell who they were. I was now voicing my opinion on the fact that i was about to make the big jump again. Brenna was concerned, along with Sam, and they didn't want me to do it. They didn't see me do it the first time, sothey were very skeptical. Then Brenna left, and it was Sam and i left. She could not come to realize where actually i was jumping to. So i had to point it out many times to get her to notice. But then i gave it up and Sam and i started walking past where i was going to jump to. There was a bathroom right there to the left. Sam went to the bathroom and i waited outside for her. I found a tree and i decided to hide from her, but when she came out she automatically found me and she said i was silly. Then it ended.