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    School, Clothing, and Sam

    by , 03-03-2011 at 12:52 AM (819 Views)
    School and Clothing (Non-lucid)


    Log: 6:00am Monday, February 28, 2011
    Hours: 0:20m Alarm: 6:00 Audio: None

    I obviously got more sleep than 20 minutes, but i only remembered this dream.

    The dream starts as i sit bored in a classroom. I start to get organized as the class comes to an end. I had to grab a lot of clothing for some reason, i had two pairs of shoes, a pair of shorts, and something else i can't remember. I got it all in my arms and backpack on as i left the class, and as i left, about a program the school was doing that involved giving points equal to those of the dumb people to the smart people, Austin Swaim walked out saying some stupid remark about it. I walked out and i was headed toward homeroom. I went up the stairs, and when i got to the top i saw Sam and we grabbed hands and i told her i would meet her back here, because i had to find my shoes that i lost. I looked around and decided to go down the stairs again, but as i was trying to get down the stairway that was kind of small, Mrs. Frazer was at her desk getting something, and as i tried to step down, Franklin put his arm out and stopped me. Apparently Mrs. Frazer needed to talkto me and the other homeroom people. I told her that i would have the money next time (For something having to do with Cancer...). So i decided to go back upstairs instead and i then saw a shoe lost and found! A few people, 3 or 4 were there frantically trying to find their shoes before class starts, and i saw mine right there! But, before i could go over and get them, my brother woke me up, his voice saying my name through a dream character, and then i woke up. It was awesome.

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