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    Wednesday, February 22-23rd, 2011 - (3 Dreams)

    by , 02-25-2011 at 08:25 PM (513 Views)
    School Mall and Water Park (Non-lucid)


    Log: 9:30pm Wednesday, February 22-23rd, 2011
    Hours: 8:30m Alarm: 6:00 Audio: None
    WILD: No

    Yet again i woke up naturually, but this time it was at around 2 in the morning, and a second time at around 4 in the morning. When i did the waking up, i immediately and alertly sat up and said, " Yup, i woke up." And then checked the clock.

    I was on the second level of the school, and i needed to go down to the first floor. As i was walking down the steps that lead into the East Atrium, the step wound more than usual and there were numerous couches lined up in the outside of the stairs. They were out of the way so people wouldn't trip or be blocked by them. There were names engraved in the couches. The intercom was saying something along the lines of the fact that the names of really scholarly people and people who have achieved great things at Lakewood High School. I aspired and knew that i would be on ther ein the very near future. So as i got closer to the bottom of the stairs, i saw Mr. Castagna and another administration official. I was fairly far away and i could hear them anyway. They were talking about me as i walked down. They said things about how well behaved i was and how shocking and delicious my smell was. I smiled and kept going trying to avoid them so they wouldn't see me. I saw a glassed in room where there was a water machine thing. It was a water park of some sort. My whole family was there, and i wanted to avoid them, so i went in, tried it out, and left before they could see me, and afterwards i was out in the hall of the mall and as they came out i ran to hide form them. And that's all i can remember.


    New Semester Math Class (Non-lucid)


    This dream starts out in my math class. It's the start of a new semester and all new people are in the class. Jacob was there, and for some reason i came in late. I was flustered as i looked for papers and things and tried to get ready. People were talking around me and there was one girl in particular who was talking to me, i was listening, but not intently. Jacob was talking andi could hear him talking in an extreme New York accent, and it was relaly entertaining. But the thing is, he only did that when we had a class together. I was talking about it and laughing about it as the class went on. And then it ended.

    Afterwards, i had a false awakening in which i told Jacob about the dream i had with him in it. I've done this a few times before where i tell people about dreams i've had with them, but in a False Awakening.


    Walker's Diary (Non-lucid)


    This dream was short and sweet. Walker and I were in my living room talking with some other people, and he was writing in a diary that had the word "Wednesday" on it. I was curious as to what information was going into his dairy. So i wanted to grab it. Before i did i figured things in it would involve what he has done wrong and what he's gone through. So i grabbed it, and he chased after me, and instead of trying to get me, he grabbed MY diary, causing me to give his back. Then it ended.

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