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    Un-stabalized lucid

    by , 02-12-2011 at 07:55 PM (1027 Views)
    Unstable lucid
    It was a sunny day outside and I was walking around a random neighborhood. It seemed as if the neighborhood was still in development, because there weren't too many houses around. I then saw a jet fly right over my head. I knew what was happening right away. It was going to crash.

    I then realized that this situation was too ridiculous to be really happening and I became lucid. The jet flew right across my face, filling the entire left part of my view. The jet became a huge spaceship and as I looked passed it I was now in space. Everything went all psychedelic here and I can't remember all of the images that seemed to be flying past me. My view then went black and I prepared to wake up.

    Upon waking I could already tell that it was a false awakening. I was floating around in a room that I've never seen before. There was a bed and it seemed to be a normal bedroom. I tried to set myself down so that I could become lucid, but I couldn't get a grip on any gravity and continued to float around. Everything then started to fade to black.

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    Updated 02-12-2011 at 07:57 PM by 28534



    1. KristaNicole07's Avatar
      That sounds pretty awesome, especially the part about flying in space. It's also pretty cool that you knew you were having an FA right off the bat, that rarely happens for me.
    2. Drokens's Avatar
      I think the only reason I knew I was dreaming was that as soon as I "woke up" I started to float.