Gamers' Castle
, 09-25-2021 at 07:24 AM (353 Views)
In this new dream, I was in a fancy castle of some kind. It was a very racist and generally bigoted one with a lot of rules, not all of them inherently racist. I remember breaking a few, and after I broke one about associating with a black person, a chase started. I don't particularly remember if I was caught but I remember this sequence of events happening again a few times. The group they sent to capture me was associated with either Dead Space or some other similar game. Eventually, I learned how to fly and took that to my advantage. Once that happened, the dream took a weird turn in which I was both simultaneously flying and viewing myself in third person in a way that implied that I wasn't the character that learned to fly. The people chasing me went from dead set on capturing me to just annoyed that I was flying. Under me I had some computer code or something while I was flying among voxelated forests. I remember eventually learning how to fly really fast by diving down on occasion. Eventually that stopped and it was back to first person where I was getting ready to find the headquarters of the people associated with dead space. A guy was briefing me on the mission and then I woke up.