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    The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy

    Groceries, My Crush, and Amnesia

    by , 03-18-2018 at 03:33 PM (244 Views)
    In this next dream, I was going to J's house when I noticed my crush standing on one of the brick things that lead to her house. I was with my aunt, who greeted my friend's grandmother in perfect Czech and gave her some groceries. I asked J why my crush was there and he said that she was related. I then went to talk to her. She was on the computer, talking about abstract concepts or something like that. I then was challenged to a fight with her grandfather at a shopping center. I said yes apparently, because after that, it cut to him driving by a shopping center, getting out of his golf cart thing, and drinking a blue potion that temporarily restored his youth. All of a sudden, he grew taller, with long locks of bleach blonde hair. His skin was also brighter. It wore off, so he had to drink it again, and then I arrived. We fought for a little while, there was a joke about discounts somewhere in there, and then he left. Me and a friend then investigated the place and found a room that contained a forest. It was apparently a clone of the game Amnesia, but was nothing like it. There was a narrator talking to me about a large source of knowledge that every human could have had if the Earth wasn't in it's way. It then cut to my cat Max having bowel movements. He kept trying to take a crap but couldn't. There was one occasion where he was crapping in the vicinity of my arm. He had placed a back paw on my hand so hard it took about 10 seconds to get him off. He was trying to do it in the position of a peeing male dog. I told my aunt about it and she said the turd was "stuck in there." She then went to remove it. Some while after that I was by the front door when the narrator came back and showed me a globe from the future. I tried to draw a stick man on the now completely warm Antarctica to show the Aliens what humans looked like, but I didn't like the design and erased some of it.
    DawnEye11 likes this.

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    non-lucid , memorable
