Ride Your Bike to a Better Place
, 01-30-2021 at 07:53 AM (193 Views)
Usually my dreams about Edynn involve either us becoming friends again or her forcefully and angrily rejecting me. This one wasn't quite as black and white and definitely took on a different character.
I was in my old neighborhood where she lives. It started out pretty negative considering she was ridiculing me and doing the same negative stuff she always does in those types of dreams and holiday was there too doing the same, as she was in the previous dream where something similar happened. The difference here is that unlike in the previous dream I didn't react by furiously and uncontrollably attempting to slash Edynn's face off with my fingernails. I had a mental breakdown of a much more depressive nature in this one. A little bit after they both left and I was barely out of the most intense part of the breakdown, I noticed that the scenery surrounding my neighborhood and the end of the street became something completely different than what it actually is in real life. I saw a huge expanse of sprawling hills in a very majestic, fantasy-esque landscape. Upon me noticing this, Edynn came back and her tone went from that of a furious, neglectful former friend to almost maternal. She then proceeded to teach me how to ride a bike, which I don't fully understand as a literal interpretation but my brain immediately connected the dots to the possible meaning of this dream version of her assisting me in letting go or leaving the nest, for lack of a better term.