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    8/10/21 - my dog

    by , 08-10-2021 at 08:27 PM (599 Views)
    I had a dream where my dog was 20 years old and my mom was saying he had only one week left to live. I woke up in a cold sweat terrified. He's 5 years old IRL.

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    Tags: dog
    non-lucid , memorable


    1. aussiemusician's Avatar
      Is there any urgency in your life to accomplish anything?
    2. Dylan114's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by aussiemusician
      Is there any urgency in your life to accomplish anything?
      Uhh not that I know of right now. Why lol? @aussiemusician
    3. Lang's Avatar
      5 years in dog years is 36 years I think? On average? It sounds like a bad case of dream logic. I hate when that happens. I know that I have the same problem at times.
      MoonOfBacon likes this.
    4. aussiemusician's Avatar
      the dog is 20 in the dream and has one week to live.
      and the dog actually 5 years old.
      what breed is the dog?
      do you consider that time is running out, for your to do something in life?
    5. Dylan114's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by aussiemusician
      the dog is 20 in the dream and has one week to live.
      and the dog actually 5 years old.
      what breed is the dog?
      do you consider that time is running out, for your to do something in life?
      Sorry for responding months later, I didn't see your reply. My dog is a morkie — Maltese and a Yorkie.

      I don't really consider time is running out to do something in my life, although my dog's death is something I think about every now and then. I guess it just frightens me, I don't want to lose a companion I've gotten so close with.