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    by , 08-22-2018 at 12:44 AM (559 Views)
    I don't think I should have any more "mugwort" woke-up out of a SUPER VIVID dream and the order was given "Stop!". Some one picked up a big, long but light weight gun. It made two thingies go all lightening like. A couple of hours after waking, sitting in the lounge of No Limits Gym (right now) I think the "mugwort" overstimulated my Brain.

    The gun made a small thing and a big thing all energized and electrified. The thingies NOW reming me of brains. A giant one and a human sized one.

    And a queen shouted one word "STOP" (!!!)

    So I think the mugwort it toooooooo much for me.

    Overstimulating my little human brain and the BIG brain aka "Our-Dreaming-Mind".

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    1. EbbTide000's Avatar
      I posted this in "Dream Guides - are they real?" by DanielLove

      I woke from a non-lucid this morning, 6am, 12 hours ago.

      I put this in my dv dream Journal at about 9am-ish

      I think the futuristic queen-head, that called out "Stop" when I couldn't see her. Then her head came and landed on a metalic table. She had a gold ... thingy ...flowing metalic material ... under her neck, that she landed on.

      I think she was a most important "dream guide"

      Her message


      taking the mugwort

      This is from my dj


      I don't think I should have any more "mugwort"
      because I woke-up out of a SUPER VIVID dream
      and the order was given "Stop!".
      Some one picked up a big, long but light weight gun. It made two thingies go all lightening like. A couple of hours after waking, sitting in the lounge of No Limits Gym (right now) I think the "mugwort" overstimulated my Brain.

      The gun made a small thing and a big thing all energized and electrified. The thingies NOW remind me of brains.
      A giant one and a human sized one.

      And a queen shouted one word "STOP" (!!!)

      So I think the mugwort it toooooooo much for me.

      Overstimulating my little human brain and the BIG brain aka "Our-Dreaming-Mind".


      3/94 m 6pm Wed 22-Aug-18
      3/99 7:30pm
      7/170 5pm Thursday 23/8/18

      The*Fly_by_Night*replied ...

      Just because of that dream, I would make sure I keep taking mugwort.
      I answered fly_by_night



      I wish you could sense the aroma of this smelly Mugwort.

      I got a brown paper bag of 100 grams of organic Mugwort.

      Maybe my "floatinghead" dream guide*
      was just drawing my attention to the dream power*
      of this stuff. And advising I take-it-easy and not to abuse it.

      I'll take another draught tonight.

      See what happens

      Thanks for the encouragement Fly_by_night*





      It is 6:30pm Thursday 23/August/18
      here in Adelaide Australia
      I'm having my 2nd (ever) cup of Mugwort tea
      See what happens in my dreams tonight.
    2. EbbTide000's Avatar
      Well, I woke to a very vivid dream this morning
      After having a cup of Mugwort tea last night. But the dream reminded me of something taught by a Swami at Glenelg beach over 15 years ago.

      He said, to a small meeting of less than 20 students of his, that, well, firstly he said choose who you let into where you sleep and preferably keep you sleeping space totally for you.

      Then he said something like

      What you do with you time awake time effects what you will dream about.

      If you go the the race track and get excited about the race or if you sit by the radio keenly listening to the horses races, then if you did that with "focus" it will turn-up in your dreams.

      He was pointing out that to get "useful" dreams you must tune into those kind of "useful" activities while awake.

      The vivid (mugwort) dream I woke up out of was me being abused sexually. Mmmmm.

      I think I need to start going to my sacred beach again and fill my mind with "usefull" moments to give my dreams something "useful" to work with.

      I will have a cup of Mugwort tea ONLY after bussing down to the Henley-Grange strip of beach. Where I walk Jetty to Jetty chanting

      "Everything is Perfect
      And Im ALWAYS prepared"

      To the song of the republic

      Here is the song of therepublic



