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    Non-Lucid followed by a spoiler for content of the dream & dream signs

    by , 04-01-2016 at 05:50 PM (597 Views)
    Non-Lucid: I was in a flood & was helping a big family that was all split up & we finally found them all & no one seemed to be hurt. Then we were doing the normal emergency protocols for a big flood. Then I noticed we were in an unusual big manufactured home. There were alot of children. And then the dream took on some really odd turn, which I will now use a spoiler due to the content.

    Spoiler for Graphic nature, followed by personal life event:

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    1. tranquilitypark's Avatar
      I'm glad that you have found peace and joy in your life. Past events haunt me in my dreams, too. The good thing is, we can find peace and closure in our dreams, too. We can learn control our actions to reflect our current beliefs and we can go away from these, feeling better about who we are and who we have become. The fact that you tried to stop the abuse speaks volumes about who you are, so just know that you are healing!
      Elaineylane and Nebulus like this.
    2. Nebulus's Avatar
      Very sound thoughts from tranquility. Lucid dreams do give the opportunity to resolve issues on a deeper level than waking state allowing for some kind of peace.
      Elaineylane likes this.
    3. Elaineylane's Avatar
      Thank you for your kind comments. I don't normally tell that story but I'm glad I did. I think the tragic events in ones life too often affect them on a regular basis. But I've been told that I've dealt w/ this particular trauma & will just have small periodic memories of this event & others that have happend to me. I was told the best way to handle them is to just feel it, aknowledge it & easily move on the next day. That is very true for me & I felt it to be very therepuetic just to write it down in my journal... These journals are more than helpful for lucidity, they are a thereputic part of living w/ every day life & am personally gratful for such a way to vent such things in this manner.
      Nebulus likes this.