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    Yesterday & today's journal: 2 non's & 1 lucid

    by , 01-09-2017 at 11:45 PM (770 Views)
    Non-lucid: I was a part of an oddly large family. We were moving from boat to boat to live. A male was helping to load the boat w/ clothes that he had put in some kind of order. He had to dive into & under the water to retrieve them. Later we all were put into groups. Grouping by male & female & put into separate boats. I didn't recognize anyone, even the ones that were supposed to be my family. I was now the person who had to dive under the water to retrieve the females clothes.
    I am so not sure what this dream means.

    Today: Dream 1/Non-lucid: I'm in a house w/ an incredible amount of rooms which is a common dream sign for me. My grown daughters & their kids live there also. My daughters keep telling me to get the ceilings fixed because there are holes in some places & I keep telling them that it requires money that we don't have. Some person I don't know tells me to at least get an estimate but I persist & saying that they will call social services & take the kids away because I can't afford to have it fixed & it will cause unnecessary troubles for us. IRL Meesha wakes me up & I pull my covers over my head & chain the same dream scene but I'm lucid now & the scene changes. (D2: Lucid) I'm in a store that looks like a big box warehouse like a Sam's Club. A man appears & I'm behind him & we seem to be waiting in line like you would be at a Wal-Mart Pharmacy. I just bumped right into him as I fell into the scene. I apologize & explain that I am deaf in my left ear. IRL this happens a lot because of my hearing loss so naturally I automatically say this. I'm confused that I just got dropped into the scene this way & turn around to take in my surroundings. I see rows & rows of these absurdly large bins are there. It reminds me of another dream I had about Christmas, when it wasn't remotely Christmas season. The bins just go on & on w/ discount items in these big bins. Meesha is relentless & pounces on me IRL & wakes me from this. How annoying. I would've just got up & shut the door but Josh is still here from Christmas break so I can't shut my door incase he needs to use our bathroom.

    Mike & I have been making changes in our house to make the lighting low & calming. But right now my son is home from college & has interrupted what has been our only time off for a long period like this. I'm still waiting for the clips to come in to keep our lights in place. We also changed the lighting in our bedroom & only watch TV in the living room which is liberating but unfortunately disturbed by our son being here. He yells into his damn headset while we are watching tv & sleeping but Mike never says anything to him. I just come off as been irrational which is insane. I just want to hear what we are watching. Hence me dropping into the lucid scene. I do not want to be forced back into my bedroom. It was the whole point of getting a new TV & system for Christmas. We are finally at a place in our lives that we need to be alone & can't be. So I guess my dreams actually make sense if I look at it in that respect. He is in his 5th yr of college so that means about a year & a half before we are actually alone unless he gets an internship that isn't here in our town. But even then he will come back for his breaks to see his friends.
    DawnEye11 and Nebulus like this.

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    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      : D Its great how you were able to reenter the same dream lucid. Too bad Meesha had to wake you up though. Also, I know how you feel about guys who are gaming and scream like there is no tomorrow. Hang in there. ^.^
      Nebulus likes this.
    2. Nebulus's Avatar
      hmm kind of unsettling having someone scream when your snuggled infront of telly...its like some kind of performance theatre in your own front room. How long is he around for?
    3. Elaineylane's Avatar
      As of now he will go back in another week or so. He's been here for about 5 weeks. His college is largely male & doesn't have frat parties and such as one may see on TV. It's very prestigious & dedicated to education so there is no notorious Spring Break, hence the long Christmas vacation. They also have a lot of students from other countries so the holiday breaks need to allow for those students to return home & then back for when school resumes.