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    Hopeless Wanderings

    A Shitty(har har) LD

    by , 01-10-2018 at 07:17 AM (473 Views)
    my sleep patterns have been all kinds of messed up recently, so while I'm trying to fix that here's a short, sweet entry:

    I was being chased by this person in this maze of a thousand rooms. Each room was completely different from the previous, and it was actually pretty cool. I was going so fast, opening a new door that would lead to a new room each time. I stopped in one room, and there was a table with a bowl on top. This is when I kinda had to take a poop, and I sorta realized I was dreaming. I thought to myself, "hey wouldn't that be funny if I took a shit on this fancy ass table?" So I got up on there but I think I woke before I did the deed.

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    Tags: shit
    lucid , non-lucid
