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    #228: Flush / Roomswap

    by , 12-20-2016 at 04:41 AM (575 Views)
    I'm in my room. I've been to the toilet, but it hasn't flushed properly. I can still see some floating around. I try to flush again, but the water starts appearing from unexpected places. It starts to appear from the shower next to the toilet as well. Eventually I manage to make it stop appearing from the shower by turning the shower's lever.

    I'm in my room, in my bed, together with Irt. It's still morning. I hear a knock on the door. I'm not sure anymore if she announced herself, but it is the girl that everyone hates. I tell Irt to be quiet. The curtains are closed, so we can just pretend not to be here. I don't wanna hang out with this girl. A bit later there is a guy standing in front of my door. It's someone who is ok. Irt goes over to open the curtain and have a talk. No! The girl went to the room just next to mine, so she'll definitely notice that we are here. Close the curtain! I decide to camp out behind a clothing rack [which in reality I don't have]. I don't feel like I'm doing a very good job at hiding, but ah well, better than nothing.

    Suddenly a girl I don't know storms into my room, walks past me, takes a hanger with clothes from a nail in the wall and storms out again. What the hell? I assume these are her clothes so she has every right to take them, but manners?! This is my room and we don't even know each other. I go up to this girl, who is together with another girl, to teach her some. The message doesn't set in at all though. I explain how rude it is to just burst into my room like that if we don't know each other and then to completely ignore me. I try to reenact it to demonstrate how rude it is, but it still doesn't set in. Eventually I take the girls clothes back and tell her she can have them back if she demonstrates some proper manners (which is never).

    When I try to go back to my room, the layout has changed. I walk into the right room, only to find it much different from what I expected. My stuff is nowhere to be found. I walk out and look at the sign above the door. Yep, this is my room number. What the hell? Apparently someone decided to switch rooms with me without asking. No! I don't want to switch rooms again, especially considering that I'm almost leaving. My friend Fif is being chilled about it and says something along the lines of "I think it's best if you go back to Europe". The hell? I feel unwanted now.

    Somewhere along the dream I become violent towards the rude girl. Stomping on her head violent. There is absolutely no effect though.

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    Tags: friend, room
