Mike I vaguely recall Mike Ross from Suits. He's outside somewhere in the nature. The ground is semi-covered in snow and the ground is made up of rock. There's a somewhat older white guy approaching in some type of weird motorcycle with a gun attached to it. He is shooting at Mike. Mike falls to the ground and crawls away, somehow miraculously not being hit, despite this being a machine gun. At some point Mike has what looks like an assault rifle aimed at the guy, who is now defenceless. I think the guy might be on his knees. At least two soldiers start approaching. I think they're on Mike's side, but Mike throws away his gone anyway. Huh? A few seconds later he decides to reach for the gun. Huh again? Why would he first throw it away and then reach for it? Test [I don't feel like writing this dream out entirely. It felt like a long one and it was shitty. I'm taking a test. One of my uni lecturers is present in the classroom and she keeps wanting to have a conversation. I'm not doing too well on the exam, despite it being open book. I'm frustrated. At some point two male teachers from my high school are sitting in front of the classroom. I decide I need to take a moment and walk outside of the building and walk around it. I consider myself stupid for doing so, because I don't have that much time left. As I'm close to entering the classroom again I suddenly remember that we're not allowed to take bathroom breaks during exams. Fck fuck fuck. I enter the class and on my exam has been written that I used 1/5 bathroom breaks. I'm allowed to have 5? That seems excessive. Another lecturer from my high school enters the class and she informs the other teachers that bathroom breaks are no longer allowed. A classmate and I have to come with her immediately. Fuck. This drama stretches out for a while.