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    Dream Journal Day 27: Night of Thursday 18.01.2024

    by , 01-22-2024 at 11:22 PM (161 Views)
    I'll include Day 28 (Friday 19th) in this entry as well.

    Night 13:

    Fragment: I stand outside one of my school's buildings and look in through the window. It's a bow window, which differs from IRL. There's a new room next to the secretary's office, a long and narrow room, warmly lit. The floor was polished wood and inside is a TV on a stand against the near wall, facing a row of austere black school chairs. I saw one of my teachers standing in there. However, when I entered the building, I couldn't find a door into this room.

    Good RCs: 1pt
    WBTB (failed): 2pt
    Fragment: 0.5pt
    Night 13 total: 3.5pt

    Night 14:

    Fragment: I'm on my bed, feeling groggy. There are faceless men all around me, wrestling and fighting me. I roll around and writhe trying to kick them off. Nothing I can do seems to have an effect. I feel helpless and ill. The dream feels endless - it seems to last for hours. My head is spinning and I can barely see, my vision keeps fading and blacking out.

    I woke up tossing and turning, trying to kick away my blanket, feeling horrible. Looks like I'm sick. This isn't the first time I've had this kind of dream when sick or sleeping badly. It feels like there are people all over my room, walking in and out, not letting me sleep.

    Excellent RCs: 2pt
    Brief meditation: 0.5pt
    Fragment: 0.5pt
    Night 14 total: 3pt
    Competition final total: 44.5pt

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    Updated 01-22-2024 at 11:29 PM by 100434

    non-lucid , dream fragment
