Dream Journal Day 56: Saturday 29.05.2024
, 10-06-2024 at 11:26 AM (103 Views)
I dream of the [X] library again. I've dreamt of it before, I'm sure, and it was like trying to recall my other dream - I struggled to remember where everything was.
I slip out of my house from a back door (white, frosted glass pane) into a narrow cobbled alley, and head towards the library. Soon enough I'm there. Entering the large double doors of the library I see a huge neon red sign, below which is surely a bar - tables clustered together, people clustered around them, moving, a long bar at the back wall, and everything is dark in there, as if it's midnight already, although the sky is bright outside.
I turn and head down some corridors towards the library. They are all white linoleum, white walls, windowless, winding - but somehow I find my way. At the end of a corridor are two curved white doors, leading off in different directions, where I know the library should be. They have circular porthole windows at the top. I push each one open, look inside, rush around searching, but all I find is more white rooms and offices. They are all empty and so quiet - it feels like I shouldn't be here.
Finally, whoever knows how, I find the library. I peek through the round windows in the door and see, set against purple carpet and dark green walls, shelves and shelves of books throughout a moderately large rectangular room. Children and (a few) teenagers mill around and stand and sit reading. I realise that this is the children's library and I need to find the larger one, and I turn back to search once more.
When I reach the large library, it is almost outside, a large glass wall facing onto a paved courtyard, accessed from a semi-covered walkway. I can see, through the full-length windows to the courtyard, the huge room filled with books and a few people walking around. But there is no door in sight. I proceed along the walkway, following the library wall, looking for ways in - I find none. When I at last come across a door, quite a ways along, I peer through its window and see just another corridor; narrow, curving, dark, empty, dimly lit with yellow lights here and there. It gives me an eerie feeling.
I retrace my steps to the courtyard and wonder how this can be. A woman in uniform (looking like an employee) marches briskly towards where I am, turns sharply to face the library wall, and shouts out an admonishment to the people inside while raising and bringing down her arm, just once, in a forceful slicing motion. The courtyard window seems to pop out of the walls a few feet, revealing hidden side walls which are also full-length glass - and then, as I watch from the side, the whole library slides forward out of the concrete at a dizzing speed, while shouts and protests come from inside - I see people leap up from their desks and gesticulate angrily towards the now departing woman. The library comes to a stop with a glass door now in front of me. I enter.
This is a library I used to visit often as a child. Not anymore, however - when I was 11 I lost a book and was too ashamed to go own up and pay the fine, so I never went back. The guilt has never gone away...![]()