Why is my calculus teacher working at the art store?
, 01-04-2017 at 01:45 AM (576 Views)
First remembered dream of the new year (so two nights ago, Dec. 31-Jan. 1): I was at an art store, possibly Michael's or something similar, buying supplies. My calculus teacher was there, working as a cashier for some reason. In the dream, I had a memory of recently receiving a math lesson from him, like the day before or something. I asked him for some clarification on a concept, and he explained it. So essentially he was doing two jobs at the same time.
I also saw lots of girls in the shop wearing DeviantArt T-shirts and some guys as well.
Then, it faded into watching some sailors load stuff into a ship. My dream journal reads this, exactly: "Apparently, people who wear jeans are more depressed because sailor boys had a depressing job, despite appearing happy, and they wore Levis and black jackets." This was apparently a thought that occurred to me during the dream which seemed perfectly rational at the time. :p
Then Jafar from Aladdin appeared, cackling evilly. It freaked me out so much that I woke up.Silly, as in waking life he's just a fun Disney villain. But I think the cackle was what did it. Or the spontaneity.
Last night, I have the following note on my phone at 6:06 AM: "New traveling companion who exists neither in space nor in time." I was excited to meet this individual, but then my alarm went off. -_-
Ah. I really don't want to start college again in a week. Not that I dislike it or anything, but the stress and lack of sleep....aaaaugh!![]()