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    Worst nightmare I've ever had.

    by , 05-04-2019 at 07:53 PM (414 Views)

    This tops the nightmare I had about the haunted church with the demonic shrieking choir, and the dream about the wasps crawling out of my ears.

    In this dream, my dad was forced (by some evil people, if I recall correctly) to shoot a group of people. This included my brother, my sister, my aunts and uncles, some of my cousins, and others. Then, he had to shoot himself.

    My mom and I were spared, for some reason, but we were forced to watch as our relatives stood there and my dad pointed the weapon at them.

    I woke up before it got violent, thankfully. But holy hell my subconscious must hate me. Took me a while to fall back asleep after this one. Awful.

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    non-lucid , nightmare
