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    Floatinghead's dream adventures

    06-05-13 Oh yeah, she died

    by , 05-06-2013 at 11:25 PM (545 Views)
    I am having this dream about my older sister, she is happy, she is going to get married soon and everything is gonna be great.

    I wake up, and it hits me - she died, I hate it when this happens. The dream tricks you into thinking that everything is fine but it's not - it's like you experience that person dying all over again - it is the worst feeling. I picture the last time I saw her boyfriend, they were gonna get married - and now he is is left on his own. We are gonna go up and see him soon, bring the kids - try and cheer him up. But without my sis around anymore how long realistically will we still keep seeing him. We're just gonna drift apart.

    I start to cry, I really sob uncontrollably, I still can't get over her death

    I wake up ...

    shit - that felt so real - she's not dead, a massive sigh of relief - the whole experience, it felt so real, felt like I just came from a parallel dimension. Almost like I have just jumped. Maybe it's possible? Just jump into a parallel version of yourself when the shit gets too bad - a version of yourself where none of the bad stuff happened. Or maybe I am having a psychotic break right now and she she really did die.

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    1. Raven Knight's Avatar
      That dream sounds horrible! I have had a dream like that where my boyfriend had died, I woke up afraid it was true.