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    Toty #1: Ufo

    by , 01-12-2020 at 05:56 AM (337 Views)
    My lucidity began, and I was standing on my front porch. I knew I had to get to space to begin the challenge, so I jumped off my porch and tried to fly. This doesn't often work and this was no exception. I fell to the ground. When it doesn't work, I hold my hand out and summon a broom. It flew through the sky and landed in my hand. I jumped on and flew up. I went fast, and was in space in a few seconds. I looked around and saw nothing so conjured a ship out of my mind. I started to fall out of the dream and the ship was a grey blob in my mind. I rubbed my hands together and the ship started to load in like a video game buffering. Eventually it looked like a big ship, maybe enough to hold 20 people. I flew next to the cockpit and pressed a button on the outside to open it, and jumped in. I closed the cockpit and dropped my broom. Immediately I saw a distress signal and followed it. Like a video game, I had a hard time getting the camera angle of the ship right. Eventually I found one that worked, and caught up to the distress signal. There were UFO's everywhere attaching harpoons to civilian ships to kidnap them. I started shooting down the ship. One UFO had an exposive tied to their harpoon where if the UFO got destroyed it'd destroy the civilian ship. I dropped a bomb and detonated it far enough away from both ships that they wouldn't be damaged, but close enough that it jarred the harpoon loose, and it fell off. The civilian ships flew away after that, and I woke up.

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