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    Flying Spaghetti Dreams

    3 dreams from this morning :D

    by , 09-25-2011 at 11:48 PM (705 Views)
    1) Low lucidity LD involving staring into this girls eyes (i thought she was a member at DV)

    2) I was in my hometown and there was a big religious parade. The leader of the parade was glorifying himself as a messenger of jesus christ in a way i found offensive to life itself. so, i took the piss out of him.
    can't remember what i actually said but at one point he cracked and yelled:

    "YOU! stop saying funny things and then i will find them amusing"

    Me: "but you admit you find them funny"

    the crowd laughed and the dream faded.''

    3) Me and my flatmate had a scooter race. felt like i was going like 200km. A corner came up and he turned but i lost control and was thrown off. when this happened i left my body and saw myself crashing in front of me.

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