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    1. LSDisneyland

      by , 09-18-2011 at 05:56 AM (Flying Spaghetti Dreams)
      Dreamt that i found some LSD at disneyland

      it was a light purple and was cut in into pretty huge tabs.

      i spent the rest of the dream deciding whether or not to take it, it looked like it was really strong and it was from disneyland so naturally i was intimidated
      Tags: disneyland, lsd
    2. Hat down foo'

      by , 08-09-2011 at 01:57 AM (Flying Spaghetti Dreams)
      {from the night of AUG the 8th}

      i am in the back room of a movie theatre or something. with me is some old guy who presumably runs the place.
      i am sitting on a comfortable chair with some kind of interface in front of me. i saw two buttons, one with a picture of face with a tipped up hat on, and one with a face with a tipped down hat on.

      looked vaguely like this:

      i press the 'hat down' button and a hat (that i wasn't previously aware i was wearing) lowers down almost over my eyes. i recall being incredibly amused that the button worked and i felt a bit like this: