December 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15 of 2014 Quick Recaps-Lucid Nights-Awesome Flights
, 12-15-2014 at 08:49 PM (543 Views)
Quick recaps...I will try not to be too wordy but keeping some notes I feel are important to know how I am getting lucid/tools I am using.
12/15/14 1115pm 1145 330
Office. Sign up for contribution. I gotta a game. Flirt..woman: can you help me? Just call me..4 wrong business cards before dog eared correct one. Game tonight? Confusion...wasn't it Sunday night last I remember...oh but woke from that=FA: oh no, 2 nights in a row no LD(wrong due to FA). I am walking outside still thinking darn no I approach an unfamiliar(?) doorway...wait this could is a dream. Awesome flying LD. Fly over guy on 2nd try. Meadow and large trees. I land and eat grass to stabilize. Fly. To a set of peaks...see what lies below. Jump off and fly. This LD is so silent...Sound added! (Wind blowing by, bird chirping) Meadow with woman laying in grass. start then stop sexual actions to keep going. Fly more. Beautiful green valleys flying low to ground to keep stable. This was a good length LD despite the short notes. FA phone record. 555 wake. #251
I stay sleepyish after my wife leaves and we interact a little bit and I try to stay with the dreaming mindset and not go off into waking life thoughts and focus on the LD I just had. I wake up from several short dreams thinking go back to sleep while repeating I'm dreaming I'm dreaming. Eventually I have one where I realize I'm dreaming again. I and being followed by a guy driving...we are both driving and I pull over to see if he will go around me and he does probably so he doesn't look too suspicious I think. As we continue again we are both walking now and I hear him say something on his radio that he hopes that the event will be over or something like that and I see that he goes up the stairs but doesn't go up the second flight of stairs and is lying in wait for me so instead of continuing I go back the other way and I'm heading towards exit quickly jumping through...flying through! opening that is like a bar between 2 rooms and I realize I'm dreaming again I don't need to run from this guy so I turn around and I start to go after him. I shoot up through the floors busting through the floors and it gets a bit blurry and I think this doesn't have to make it harder to find him...this is my dream after all! With that in mind I decided that the next ceiling or wall and bust through he will be there and he is but still nothing is very clear and I start wailing on him before I wake up smiling that I nabbed another LD before getting up...about 5 minutes before I normally get up which is unusual and the when my dreams are usually too short to realize I'm dreaming. This makes me wonder if the last REM periods are supposed to be longer, why do I have all these short dreams with little mini awakenings in the late morning. Perhaps something to do with getting close to the beginning of the day and my wife leaving earlier than me and everything. I don't know. 745am wake #252
12/13/14 #250 early dream: An Olafian error (an error befitting Olaf).
Waiting for an elevator in a busy courtyard. I see two versions of my #MotherInLaw and realize I am dreaming and I float up. One mother in law is with my wife across the courtyard and I tell the one closest to me that "there are two of you!" When I look over at the over at the other version across the courtyard she now looks noticeably older. I float over to a woman and (sex).
12/12/14 #249 early dream: Making a statement wrong by altering the way something is heading.
Rioters and astray looks. I am driving with my wife and son during the day and up ahead we hear someone talking agitated over a loud speaker and assume protests are up ahead and turn around to go a different way. Next thing I remember I am walking out of a store and heading to vehicle where wife and son are waiting. As I exit 6-8 hoodlum looking people are nearby as I am trying to clean off my sunglasses. I think they may notice that they are nice Ray-Ban sunglasses and see me as one of the enemies that they think about when protesting and rioting. I keep walking and turn my head just enough to see if anyone is following me. I plan to pick up the pace when I hit that corner but they can still see me through a chain link fence so I try to make it look like I am walking normal but speed up markedly and eventually run in a walking pose. The walk run feels so odd that I realize that I'm dreaming. The scene goes dark and I seem to be in the void. I walk forward and imagine that my vehicle, wife and son are still ahead of me and eventually get to a point where it feels like I am opening the door to the vehicle and getting in but instead I get a night time scene in a city with a good size two story brick building in front of me. I decide to float up above it for a better view but maybe too soon as the dream starts to fade again but not completely...only more foggy-like. I decide to land and stabilize and the first thing that looks good is the brick wall of the building. As I get up close to the brick wall there is some "electro magnetic-like interference" in the image of the details of the brick which I thought was interesting. It went away as I got a good feel on the bricks and they felt very realistic to the touch. Behind me to my right is a short natural stone and mortar wall like a retaining wall and I feel on that and get excited...just kidding...but maybe that is why my sexual dreams with lots of contact are often stable. But again the stone wall feels very natural. I see plenty of loose dirt on the ground and scoop it up like a handful of sand and pop it into my mouth for further stabilization. It tastes like what I would expect it to taste like...bland earthy but not terrible. I decide to see if I can make it taste like skittles candy and grab another scoop and pop it in swirling it around in my mouth but it tastes the same as the first time. Dream starts fading and a do my squirming animal swim that got me through a void or NREM in a recent LD but this time I eventually found myself uncomfortable in bed. I remembered that I decided to not try to DEILD too long in an uncomfortable position lest it wakes me up too much making it harder to reenter dreamland this time of the morning. I opt to reposition after maybe 20 seconds.
12/11/14 1130 535am early dream: You might not want to confront them directly about it.
lucid in the dark...doors visible. After being in a #dangerous area at night and realizing no worries I'm dreaming. I go into a door that is supposed to be work related nothing much to see and back out of it all dark outside but stay patient. FA alarm 8am! Late for work not caught. #248
12/9/14 A young woman gets out of the car wearing only a men's cardigan exposing a lot as a treat for her boyfriend or is making something up to him but he is embarrassed.
Office meeting x2
<snip...other NLDs>
Coming "home" through a back door I find my front door ajar (it is daylight outside) and unlocked and become suspicious this is a dream and when heading down the hall to check for intruders I feel somewhat emboldened and I recognize the layout of the home as childhood home but with craftsman interior features instead and fully realize that I'm dreaming. I pause and consider hunting down bad guys and I enter my brother's old bedroom (per the layout) which is the first door you come to from the front door and it is completely empty with white walls, no furniture and no wallpaper and I decide to move on. I think the fastest way out to explore the dream is to phase up through the ceiling. It is kind of fun but I don't make it through in two different tries. While considering maybe going through front door or other options I eventually wake up. Need to make decisions quicker I think or just end of REM. I wasn't planning on trying wbtb and did no pre-bed intentions last night due to league game the next day. I did however become more awake than planning during nighttime bathroom visit. #247
12/8/14 ~1150 ~445 of the $100 bills and I noticed it looked a little odd...ah just an older bill. (Near miss)
Wake from LD#1 ~615?
The showroom boldness DILD. I am in some kind of showroom near a beach and there is a sexy woman behind the counter and I think about what I would do in a bold I would be...ah yes I'm dreaming...I'm walking around this showroom only in underwear after all. I have a very exciting interaction with her starting by floating up to offer her a healthy appetizer. Some more craziness and eventually seemed to lose lucidity and was looking for someone who was..."oh he's sleeping in that car over there." I look in and see my #youngestBrotherInLaw in the front seat asleep awkwardly before waking up with my wife turning off her alarm clock. #245
Wake from LD#2 ~645?
The hotel meeting room. Didn't spend time trying to recall the NLD portion before seeing the following clue headline as I was focusing on reentering sleep for another LD. Large font title on paper read "Lucidity Chronicle Institute Daily" (my first thought: LCID almost an acronym...before looking it up IWL and being reminded that you can use the first few letters of each word to form a different word LUCID). Anyway, when I saw the headline I instantly realize I'm dreaming. I walk to my right and #GirlFriday is there with a small boy. I tell he to remove that sexy skin tight dress and she looks at me incredulously but I Jedi mind her saying "this is something you want to do." She removes her dress and is extremely sexy standing there in nice lace underwear. We start to go at it with me removing a bra revealing probably larger than normal breasts and I think some of the recent fantasizing about her got me a little more excited than normal and may have resulted in the subsequent wake up. I tried to immediately go back to sleep but struggled and when I woke up for the day it seemed like there was one additional faint memory of lucidity but I'm not able to recall. #246
Some of these were kind of short and not just shorter due to quick recaps. Finally catching up on my LD DJ entries since my basic TOTM entry.