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    Feb 25th - Mar 10th Quick Descriptions

    by , 03-11-2015 at 12:14 AM (921 Views)
    For some "meat" see my previous DJ entry, these will be very brief, sorry.

    2/25/15 Thinking about someone, who just passed away, while I fall asleep and I have a related dream and realize that what is happening is impossible and become lucid (inconsistent with waking life). I have a sexual dream that as it progresses becomes weird and I use dream control to reverse the trend. #286

    After Wife leaves I have an exhilarating dream in which I should have become lucid earlier involving sex with the girlfriend of someone I care about (this is the one I told you about ~10 days ago FM if you are reading this). After an near-epic non lucid sex dream I am putting on my shirt in the dream and suddenly see a huge sky full of an usually large number of stars and realize that I dreaming. I play with the stars and they start sweeping past me before becoming fixed again. Eventually hang out in the void reflecting on the crazy sex dream before. #287

    2/28 dream girl initiated. This time two black ladies. #288

    3/7 had been getting too lazy with day work. continue reverse eye blink and mixing up SSILD with visualizing at WBTB. An asian guy becomes an asian woman when I go to catch up to him (or I tap on the wrong shoulder) and I instantly realize I am dreaming. Sexual interaction with her. #289

    3/8 Three different dream girl initiated DILDs. Basically my interaction with them is recognized as dream like and helps me to realize that I am dreaming. Sexual interactions. #290-292

    3/10 Only trying to sleep tonight but stayed up longer than planned recording my dreams during an awakening, so not a true WBTB but this probably helped. Enjoying the visuals from an airplane flight I hear a song mentioning "stockyard cowboy" in the lyrics and then see a cowboy riding a bucking bronco in an impossible place down below and tell myself "this has to be a dream!" I float up from the airplane confirming and float down to the ground losing visuals for a while before recovering and running into a co-worker. #293
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