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    Felt Like 1 Hour LD Epic, Breathtaking Scenes, Supplements Experiment Inspired by Gab

    by , 11-07-2016 at 11:09 PM (946 Views)
    Sun, 06 Nov 2016:

    1040pm-210am(like 3:10am) [email protected] with time change!!

    225am 2x alpha gpc (600mg) after first recording dreams from 1st part of night.

    (Stay up 55 minutes more and then take…)

    320am 8mg galantamine + 500mg choline

    Wake ~630am finish writing quick notes 7am

    (2 previous attempts had gpc 1.5 hours before the g+c=terrific results also; and 1 hour before=quite good result. So anywhere from 55 minutes to 90 minutes between the gpc and the g+c is producing nice results)

    Only posting the occasional LD here on DV, too time consuming.

    Phone screen app tease, doesn't finish loading, aha phone not working right, must be a dream, vibrate float around vaulted ceiling for a good while. This was DILD in first REM segment after WBTB.

    *Epic LD!! (2nd REM segment after waking from first, WILD style entry with vibrations)

    flying while singing-2songs with the background music-mostly the classic fly like an eagle - The Steve Miller Band, switch=i want to get away-I want to fly away-Lenny Kravitz, switch-back to classic song when Kravitz song doesn't have the same exhilarating effect. Flying, singing and enjoying the music for a good while.

    ocean view!!! amazing view down a good size drop off, sunny day, people in the water and on the beach so colorful I was almost in tears at the beautiful, consistent, lasting scene my dreaming mind was providing to the point that I got concerned about dream stability due to the strong emotions. I calmed myself and then started to edge my way down to that beach but visual issues so I flew back up to the busy market scene I started from.

    Cousin M and another cousin. I enjoy seeing them. It feels as heartwarming as if we were actually together and not many many miles apart.

    I meet a beautiful young lady maybe only 19 or 20. We are attracted to each other but I am not as sexually charged as other times. She tells me she is a virgin. I asked her if she wanted me to show her the ropes. So cute-she said not yet-I say okay-Let's meet BackHereInDreamlandEveryYear around the Summer until you are ready.

    I meet another mate and she is game to have sex but says that her boyfriend is controlling and won't like it so I will have to take care of him first. I say show me where he is. She takes me a short distance to the covered but open structure where it is a little dark inside and her boyfriend is there with a guy and they seem to be having sex. There is also another set of 2 guys seemingly having sex also. The boyfriend sees me with her and he comes out wanting to fight and I smash his head with one powerful clap, more like a cartoon smash with no gruesome effects. The other 3 guys come out to challenge me and I do the same exact thing to each of them, dispatching with them quickly so I can get back to sex with my new "girlfriend."

    Handsome face slap. I see a DC guy with a strikingly handsome face and I give him a friendly light slap on his handsome mug. I say I am not into you but damn you are a handsome looking guy.

    I see a mirror and take a look. The visuals of me in the mirror are distorted. I think of goal/peg#4 show me the best way to have more lucid dreams-I see a version of me graying and wearing glasses…hmm…are they reading glasses maybe suggesting to read more? (now I think it could represent time, I can have more LD's by simply putting in more time, with the passing of time). I tell one of the DC's: next time tell me this is dream and for me to look at my hands. I repeat this 4-5 times and practice looking at my hands in the dream where it may be better reinforced I am thinking.

    I see another mirror on the left side of the room and interested to see what I get and this time I am a blondish graying woman in a old fashioned dress that looks like it might be a traditional dress from Europe, maybe Holland but it is not very decorative or fancy. I open up my dress just to see what's underneath but get interrupted. A lady much like the one in the mirror is telling me where she is from and what her name is. I think I could look this up later. I summon a pen and paper and start writing the details. I tell her I can't bring this paper back to the waking world but I can memorize it better once I write it down and I can show you my written understanding of what you said. Her first name I had to rewrite a few times but in the end it was "Pots." I thought during the dream how that is "stop" spelled backwards but ignored that and kept trying to make progress, hoping to get something I can look up when I wake. There was her last name given too but it has slipped from my recall. At first she seemed to indicate she was from the early 1900's (before 1910, seems it was 1908 or 1906) but later she was giving me details that were tied to some time in the 1730's (thinking 1733 or 1737). I wasn't sure what I was missing between the two sets of vastly different time periods there but perhaps it's just the way numbers and words can change in dreams, but at least it wasn't gibberish.

    I wake feeling like I had an hour of lucid dreaming but there are memory gaps in the above.

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    Updated 11-07-2016 at 11:26 PM by 61674 (add the blue text, signifies lucid)

    lucid , memorable


    1. gab's Avatar
      That is an awesome lucid, fogelbise!

      I can totally relate to feeling such a strong happiness that you almost cry. I LOVE that feeling, it's out of this world exhilarating and the happiness is so strong, it's almost a solid object.

      I love oceans and I had a few in my last lucids and I was so happy to see the beautiful water. Gosh, I love all of this - flying, water, happy sensations...

      And you don't say if you finally found someone to knock boots with. Hope you did, haha.

      Haha, I sometimes make notes in a dream too, knowing that I can't take it with me but hoping I'll remember it better once I see it on the paper. I love how our mind works. Mine helps me by telling me what to do, even things I would not think of in waking life, or things I didn't plan on doing, like writing things down to remember them better.

      It looks like the aplha gps + GM combo is working great. Combine that with your skills and intent... : D

      You most likely know this, but alpha gpc is a lucid inducer by itself. It had worked for me a few times, but not consistently. I'm planning on trying it alone again, once I have more than one chance a week to wild.

      Happy dreams
    2. Elaineylane's Avatar
      Holy WOW! Looks kind of like my wave pool in my dream! I so can see how this made you emotional. I've woke up crying many many times due to being emotional in my dreams.
      fogelbise and gab like this.
    3. fogelbise's Avatar
      Thank y'all

      @gab thank you for the idea to take the gpc early! The triple play wasn't working consistently for me for some reason but this timed out approach is working great so far.

      @Elaineylane Yes, the heightened emotions are awesome at times! That 2nd picture looks more like a wave pool because I couldn't find the right picture looking down an overlook to a busy beach with lots of people in the water. So the setting is more like the first picture but the activity and DC's more like the 2nd picture.
      Patience108, Elaineylane and gab like this.
    4. gab's Avatar
      I think why the previous combo choline + GM was not working for me consistently was not really the combos fault. I was taking it when I was WILDing during morning naps.

      I would wake up at my normal waking time, so after 7 or so hours of sleep. When I failed, it was most of the time because I could not fall back asleep after a WBTB. And also sometimes I didn't feel any effects of choline in my head, which I usually do feel.

      Also, there was the pressure of having to fall asleep in one hour, because that's when GM peaks.

      Now, GM still peaks in 1 hr, but for some reason knowing that alpha GPC will work even past that, and that some GM will still be in my system, makes me less anxious to fall asleep in time.

      Plus, now I'm WILDing in the middle of the night, only after 4 hrs or so of sleep. Much easier to fall back asleep, haha. And no noise from neighbors is a huge bonus and gives me peace of mind. I don't have to worry if gardeners come and be loud with their leaf blowers.

      Another thing, I WILD when normally during those hours I am already up and at work. So my mind could be more alert because it's used to be awake at that time.
    5. Patience108's Avatar
      Very nice Foglebise thanks for sharing! So you took the Alpha gpc about an hour or so before taking the G + C ... Just getting my head round the sup detail combos I thought Alpha gpc and G would do it no? How come you had to take another Choline with the G? Maybe there are a couple of " main " ways of taking the combo's?


      @gab too - yes the CAT seems to be an important part of getting lucid hay - more and more I see myself getting lucid when I would usually have been up etc
      fogelbise and Elaineylane like this.
      Updated 11-08-2016 at 10:01 PM by Patience108
    6. fogelbise's Avatar
      @gab - Thank you for the detailed notes!

      @Patience108 - I was thinking of Yuschak's triple play (correction: he calls it the "extended play trigger") when I saw gab's adjustment that she was taking the alpha gpc an hour earlier. When I first read about her experiments in her "Wow!" DJ entry, I didn't notice she dropped the 2nd choline, so I included it. Taking the alpha gpc between 1 to 1.5 hours before taking the g + c meant that the gpc was peaking about 30 minutes to 1 hour after the g + c was peaking (g & c bitartrate both peak around 1 hour per Yuschak) thus seemingly extending the peak levels. gpc never did much for me taken by itself though I've heard it has for others. So I am guessing that the residual g in my system, though the levels are declining, are having a beneficial effect on converting the gpc to being more effective for me. I will have to try it also exactly as gab does without the 2nd dose of choline and see if I get better, worse or the same kind of results.
      Elaineylane likes this.
      Updated 11-10-2016 at 04:47 AM by fogelbise
    7. fogelbise's Avatar
      So I tried it last night without the 2nd choline (bitartrate) - so alpha gpc a little over 4 hours into my sleep and then galantamine 1.5 hours after more like gab (though I stayed up - didn't want to miss an alarm or use an alarm; I actually enjoy the quiet solitude in the middle of the night) and had a lot of lucidity but the visuals and vividness were lacking in more sequences than usual, although that may have been more to do with my poor diet before bed (too many sweets which don't mix well with lucid dreaming, for me at least). I had two periods where I felt like I was experiencing NREM heading toward REM and some stronger visuals while maintaining lucidity. Will have to experiment more and stay away from the sweets.