Girl Friday Visits, Lucidity Challenges - Sensei's Competition Night 10
, 02-03-2015 at 07:30 PM (623 Views)
1130? 353am wbtb
This starts as a false awakening. I hear Girl Friday downstairs and coming up the stairs along with other voices and I realize how extremely unlikely it is that she would be here; I am dreaming. She has a way of sidetracking me. She is going up and down the hall in a great rendering of my home IWL. I feel invisible at first since she doesn't seem to see me. I keep trying to get in her line of sight and see if I can get her into sexual mode like so many times in the past and eventually it works when I am undressing and acting like I don't see I have her attention! She is watching intently as I undress andI proceed with certain actions and she looks so ready to pounce and she looks so sexy. More and more DC's come around which usually isn't an issue but this time it is some people from IWL who would be very unapproving it starts to have the effect of tugging at my last Saturday, basically raising doubt. And here's the interesting thing and something I'll need to work on with my RC's just in case doubt arises. Every RC was showing I was awake! Finger through palm looked slightly different with my palm lumping up a little on the other side but not convincingly and when trying it IWL previously I noticed the same thing can be seen a little. I tried to float up which is normally effortless but nothing happened and I'm starting to get nervous that I am running around naked IWL and the DC's of waking life loved ones are raising the ante. I even jump and not even a hint of floating or delayed return to the ground...felt like normal gravity! Darn FA's and unhelpful DC's but I know if my awareness were higher or I took better care of my lucid state at the beginning this probably could have been avoided. I believe this flowed into another FA where lucidity was basically gone and I ended up at a huge water pavilion built in the 50's with interesting architecture. There was some sense that this was all dream-like but I was kind of floating through the moment if that makes sense to anyone. The name of the pavilion had the designers name on a big sign but I can't recall his name...did seem like an Italian man's name. No.275Spoiler for Adult content:
Much better LD string here: