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    Jan 11th to Jan 18th 2015 Super Brief Notes LD's #264 to 270

    by , 01-22-2015 at 03:29 AM (536 Views)
    I am keeping these recaps brief but if anyone wants more details, feel free to ask.

    1/11/15 epic night for me starting with a semi-lucid that felt like it occurred over a full day and I even had the thought "I keep getting back into the same dream!" I was on a trip and had 2 different sexual partners and my Wife didn't mind!

    Later dream/DILD: entering a dark hall I realize this feels like a dream scenario and become lucid and start opening a bunch of doors trying to influence what will be inside. #264

    late morning DILD: older DC kicking coins at me. I keep them and walk away and his friend follows me and I get dreamy thoughts it knock him out and realize this is a dream and knock him out. Fly around various things but not much control in stopping where I want to for a while. #265

    success bringing a dreamlet scene back! Late morning dreamlets. When a sexy one faded that I wanted to explore I told myself it was just a crowd passing in front temporarily blurring my view and instead of the typical new unrelated dreamlet, it came back! Not counting as a full fledged LD though.

    1/15 huge sky full of stars makes me lucid. So beautiful! #266

    fiddling with a broken gadget and a goblin?(short green creature) appears and I immediately realize I'm dreaming. Strip down and explore nearby DC activities and sex. 267

    2 sexual LD's with Wife but one may have been semi-lucid so count one. 268

    1/17 shoot up into the sky to escape collapsing house and realize I'm dreaming. Throw fireballs and fly. 269

    1/18 towards end of long exploring dream I am at a beautiful overlook and get the thought to fly down to my destination and realize I'm dreaming. Fly a bit before ends. 270

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