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    July 30th 2016 Spacecraft, Astronaut Lucid, Sivason and Daniel Love Experiments

    by , 09-24-2016 at 07:48 AM (956 Views)

    Catching up on my DV dream journals, posting one LD for now instead of getting hampered trying to do one huge post compiling everything up to date.

    Sat, 30 Jul 2016:

    ~~!! Late a.m. !! Using GF incubation MILD, what I'd do got my mind thinking dreamy possibilities: Another later morning success around 7am!~~

    There is this 2 part flying spaceship-like craft, I realize after first thinking it was two separate ships, one smaller with 2 pilots and a large one with many crew and passengers perhaps. The smaller part is trying to pilot the craft out of danger and I'm down below on a platform in a giant rectangular water reservoir of some kind like an enormous swimming pool. Someone is flooding it with a ton of water all of the sudden and my platform is being swung around wildly in the water. I call up to the people in the ship what is being done and that's when I see it is 2 parts connected and I see lots of crew/people in the larger section below the smaller section. The platform I'm on is pushed against a rocky wall with vines hanging down and I start thinking I should climb out and then get the more dreamy idea that it will be easy, and then heck I can just fly up out of here. I climb with ease and then fly andI am very joyful I have been liberated from a dire situation into a lucid dream!!! I am just away from the edge and don't hesitate to jump out over the turbulent pool and think about how wow I'm really sure I can fly over it and not fall in and then I suppress some emerging doubt (Sivason's lesson: http://www.dreamviews.com/dream-yoga/139475-advanced-skill-1-suppressing-emerging-thoughts.html ) that could drop me down and make me lose lucidity, and I move on with confidence! I fly up to a few smaller buildings and then up to a larger building to see what's going on inside. Nothing interesting to see really. I start to get a few dreamscene fades where the whole scene is dropping out but I use the seeding ideas based on Sivason's but the opposite effect, flowering them instead of suppressing them - there is a time for each... and the ideas from Daniel Love about seeing patterns in things and I stabilized. I am getting very good at bringing back the same building or a building that looks a lot like the building that just faded away. I'm thinking about this while I do it and I am amazed at how well it is working and how clear my thinking is. Perhaps this is one benefit to late morning when you are closer to getting up for the day your head is more clear but the dreams tend to be more wispy so we need to incubate them and to feed them and keep them going with seeds of thoughts like "oh that didn't fade I see a tree emerging I see it for me…here!" and "that pattern over there even if that pattern is not there yet I create it and it grows." Before long my scene is stabilized. I am floating down a residential street with large 2 and 3 story properties and I see an old guy walking and I have a slight thought regarding messing around with him in some way but I decided instead to talk to him and see if he seems like an intelligent DC. I greet him and he says his name something like John Clare. I asked him what he represents and even think as I'm saying it in the dream, I think to myself that the question is not very clear if you're trying to ask something about your subconscious. The answer was he was an astronaut. I think about the astronaut reference recently in waking life and figure that's where this answer must have come from. It was an astronaut speaking on TV. I look up at this large two-story apartment house it seems it has a fairly large flame and smoke coming out the back right corner. I think I can be a hero in my dream and I fly down to see what's going on. The room next to it and the one before it look completely unfazed and I knock on the windows and tell the occupants there's a fire in the next room and I start heading down toward the fire. When I get to the window with the fire I can't see anything so I fly down to the entrance and go in the house and tell the mother of the house that they have a fire up in one of the rooms and I flew up their staircase and up to the room and lead a few other younger folks out from upstairs and down. The mother comes up and I see a tampon pad and say someone must have lit it but it looks like it's under control now. The mother says some of these birds were already here. We all head downstairs and as I'm about to leave I tell her "sure you can show your appreciation
    Spoiler for sexual content:
    There is another beauty across the way and she gets my attention. The mother, good looking in a "girl next door" kind of way starts
    Spoiler for sexual content:
    as if to bring my thoughts back to her. I tell the other one she can jump on, in a moment, but the scene starts fading and I seed the thought that she has walked over to me and hopped on and I can feel it a bit
    before I fade completely back to bed smiling big!

    The day after I noted in my dream journal: "Try heavy visualization and incubation again for late morning chance…"

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    1. ThreeCat's Avatar
      Cool, thanks for the update, fogelbise! Very interesting that you are incorporating sivason's thought suppression techniques and that they are working well for you. Something interesting, as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Clare
    2. fogelbise's Avatar
      Thank you for the John Clare link. I don't think I have come across him before.
      ThreeCat and Elaineylane like this.
    3. Elaineylane's Avatar
      Very nice in depth descriptions. It seems a whole lot of us have those water dreams.
      I am getting very good at bringing back the same building or a building that looks a lot like the building that just faded away. I'm thinking about this while I do it and I am amazed at how well it is working and how clear my thinking is. Perhaps this is one benefit to late morning when you are closer to getting up for the day your head is more clear but the dreams tend to be more wispy so we need to incubate them and to feed them and keep them going with seeds of thoughts like "oh that didn't fade I see a tree emerging I see it for me…here!" and "that pattern over there even if that pattern is not there yet I create it and it grows." Before long my scene is stabilized. I am floating down a residential street with large 2 and 3 story properties and I see an old guy walking and I have a slight thought regarding messing around with him in some way but I decided instead to talk to him and see if he seems like an intelligent DC.
      Impressive. Hey, I just got some Huperzine A for cognitive support. I have trouble w/ visualizing colors w/ my chakra's. I noticed you had used a similar thing but I couldn't afford that one right now w/ the holidays coming up. I wondered what your opinion of this is. I really would value your opinion.
      fogelbise and Patience108 like this.
    4. fogelbise's Avatar
      Very nice in depth descriptions. It seems a whole lot of us have those water dreams.
      Yes! And some of my favorite lucid dreams were born in large bodies of calm water coming from another lucid that had faded to the void with me seeding the water.

      Impressive. Hey, I just got some Huperzine A for cognitive support. I have trouble w/ visualizing colors w/ my chakra's. I noticed you had used a similar thing but I couldn't afford that one right now w/ the holidays coming up. I wondered what your opinion of this is. I really would value your opinion.
      If you mean my opinion on supplements, I think that they are best used after having a solid lucid dreaming practice like it sounds like you have. Galantamine seems to be very good at bridging our waking memory to our dreams and those bridges tend to have some staying power helping us to have more and stronger lucid experiences without the supplements. This could be through strengthening neural pathways, neuroplasticity, though I am not well versed on that particular subject.
      Elaineylane likes this.
    5. Patience108's Avatar
      Nice one Fogelbise

      Thanks for explaining your process ~ it reminds me I wanna keep on track with Sivasons instructions

      I read the bit on the poet John Clare and found it intriguing that he was in an asylum and thought of as completely mad for most of his life yet his poetry was seen as among the very best ...interesting how in the dream world and especially when we are aware of it, we are many times ina world of poetry ...sometimes insanely perfect in its gifts to us ( from us by us to us etc ) Magic!
      Elaineylane and fogelbise like this.
      Updated 10-08-2016 at 09:57 PM by Patience108
    6. Elaineylane's Avatar
      If you mean my opinion on supplements, I think that they are best used after having a solid lucid dreaming practice like it sounds like you have. Galantamine seems to be very good at bridging our waking memory to our dreams and those bridges tend to have some staying power helping us to have more and stronger lucid experiences without the supplements. This could be through strengthening neural pathways, neuroplasticity, though I am not well versed on that particular subject.
      Yes about the supplements. Thanks. It's nice to have another's opinion, I appreciate it. I'm noticing it helping w/ daytime as well. For many yrs I have had to take pain meds for a spinal injury that has left me w/ permanent pain & I can tell it affects me. This seems to help w/ some of the side effects of my meds. It's comforting to have another person's opinion such as yourself. You seem to me to be rather knowledgeable in such things.
      fogelbise likes this.
    7. fogelbise's Avatar
      Thanks Paysch and El…I only know what I know about supplements from Yuschak's book and my minimal personal experience with them though, mainly the galantamine + choline combo. It is nice to hear that you are able to counteract some of your pain med's side effects.

      Paysch - your description is kinda poetic!
      Patience108 and Elaineylane like this.