May 20th to July 11th 2016 Lucid and Dream Highlights
, 07-30-2016 at 07:22 AM (667 Views)
That has to be one of the largest homes in the world!
NL is driving his SUV up a huge hill and the way we are flying up the hill cues me in that I am dreaming...
We enter a woods, trees everywhere and I see an odd creature and I narrate as we go (idea from Dreamer), he is a humanoid creature with long thick flowing fur from his head, a bit like a lion-man but more alien looking...
This reminds me of the Daniel Love interview I was just listening to and his Jurassic period dreams. I tried to seed a big dinosaur, thinking of a T-rex even making their imagined cry and mimicking their little stubby arms. I start to see a few smaller creatures running through the brush, perhaps velociraptors I think.
I see a big house that I want to explore and get out of the truck but I feel the velociraptors nipping at me from behind so I calmly imagine lasers coming out of my fingers and direct them behind my back and pursuers are gone.
Onward to the house...
Inside there are many people and I have sexual fun with multiple partners, one at a time on this occasion.
Exiting a room where I just got snubbed I am at the edge of some downward steps and feel some boldness to fly up from there and I am able to and realize I am dreaming. What should I do? I see an interesting building and head there to explore but fade to void. I air swim towards the sound of what sounds like a big diesel truck. I wonder if the sound is coming through my open window IWL. I keep going but think to look at my hands and I am able to produce sparks, fun and mesmerizing and play with this a little while...
I notice a light up in the distance and think it looks like light coming through water...
It eventually feels like I am in water, deep and cooler water. I see a nurse shark on the white sandy bottom and play with him a bit.
I start to think about how I don't need to breathe under water and some doubt about losing that ability starts to seed into my mind but I squash the thought. I tap the nurse shark on the head and he gnaws on my hand so I hold his jaw open. Eventually wake feeling like I was just transported from another world.
Amazing huge viewing area in restaurant into big lagoon full of ocean life and penguins
Now I am in a crazy water park, riding a very turbulent water slide with animals going down the slide.
Cave pool with prayer beads clue in the water
Pig under water
In the water with 3 giant whale tails nearby, somewhat intimidating but no real fear…non lucid or semi-lucid