Fragment of Dreams
PokeFam It's the middle of the night and I'm in my bedroom. I hear Dad in the kitchen and I assume he's making himself some two minute noodles (as he does sometimes when he wakes up in the middle of the night). I roll over in my bed and check PokeFast, a live Pokemon tracking map for Android for nearby Pokemon in my area and spot things out of the ordinary - dinosaur-looking Pokemon! I had certainly never seen those 'Pokemon' nor caught them before. I start to dress to go out hunting for them. My brother walks in to the room with a drink bottle in hand and asks me what I'm doing. I picture him in the passenger seat of my car spinning Pokestops and catching Pokemon for me while I drive us around. I ask if he wants to come catch Pokemon with me. Japanese Magazines I'm in Japan and there is some sort of craze going around. Like, literal craze. People's minds turning into Zombie-mush craze. I'm suddenly running in to one of the street convenience stores with a big group and stop at the magazine sections. Stopping to look around, I think about how bizarre this is. I'm on a rooftop looking down to the street at a swarm of crazed people about to flock in on a girl. Poor girl.. She's a goner. Running with a bunch of people behind me, ninja jumping from rooftop to rooftop. My legs are pumping, trying to maximise each crouch for explosiveness There's a sense of urgency, as if we're being chased. I'm suddenly standing in a doorway, waving my group inside. We've been caught. We bundle in the corner, huddling together, trying as to magically shrink ourselves so we wouldn't be seen. Slowly, they converge on us. It was as if what we were running from was an army. The lower ranking soldiers filed in first, with their commanders trailing behind. They didn't seem to be able to detect us until they got extremely close - almost touching distance. One of the low-ranking pawns was getting close to a child... This was extremely bad for us. I make eye contact with one of the commanders. How could he see me when none of the others could? In the brief moment of which our eyes made contact, there was some sort of... acknowledgement and respect. I turn my attention back at the pawn and reach out, waving my hand as to perform a jedi mind trick :gun: He looks confused and walks around to the other side of the room. But This Is Your Crib I'm in the passenger seat of the car, driving around a neighbourhood with a few friends. The shops which we're driving past look nice, up class and new. They were styled like 1960s shops with very bright colours. We're trying to find our way back to our rented house in this neighbourhood, the same neighbourhood which one of the guys in the car apparently lives in. "I think this was your neighbourhood," I joked with him. He grumbles something incoherent at me. We'd finally made our way back and it had gotten dark. Walking in the streets under the streetlights with no purpose in particular, other than to explore and enjoy the company of our friends. We pass a man playing guitar on the side of the street, singing his heart out to a large company of dogs. They were his children and he loved them all dearly.
11.06.20114th Lucid - odd shaped room (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Yeah, I just realised i posted this out of order.. whoops! I don't remember too much about this dream, but I rc'd and then I got lucid. There was a lady in the dream, she was brunette. The room was red and very oddly shaped but reminded me of a kid's childcare centre. There was a box that looked like a charity box, but i'm fairly sure it was the entry fee. The red dot was me, and to the left of me was a door.Attachment 2315Attachment 2315
Notes| Dream|Lucid 1st June I don't remember much about the beginning of the dream. We were at school, Jacson and other people from school. It may have been raining? We were then in the gym of the school, all seated watching a movie really loud. We heard hissing sound that was gradually getting louder and louder. It was a missile that had hit a few hundred meters from school. Jacson and I looked out a window (that isn't actually there in the etheric plane) and saw soldiers parachuting down onto the roads. At first, i thought they were going to kill all civilians but they were only ordered to invade with little resistance as possible. Eventually, we had a few soldiers come investigate the gym (I really don't know why we had the movie playing so loud in the first place.) I remember accompanying a few people open the door. The soldiers said they weren't looking for trouble and were just checking out no 'resistance-gather' was being held in here. I don't remember telling them what we were doing but one of them made fun of me. I think I attacked him.. then the scene changed. I was at home, the invasion had already finished. I walked outside and saw new people unpacking, they were moving in. Dad came home from work and told me to call Mum, she was still in Sydney. I was to fill her in on what had happened and to warn her to be careful. One of the new neighbours came over to greet ups, he was a really nice fellow, friendly. He even gave us gifts (isn't it supposed to be the other way around?).
Notes| Dream|Lucid Alex (Dark_Merlin) said something to me, we were both in my kitchen.