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    sun fell down

    by , 10-04-2011 at 10:40 AM (673 Views)
    Many peoples were chasing us .I don't know who are they.I come to a strange place, trees,grass all over the place, in the middle was a pond but it was very shallow and gravels were there at surface.Its like we all are looking for something in the shallow pond.Then i thought this must be real world(although it wasn't)That point i get semi lucid.I didn't even did a reality check.The place was dark.So i shouted clarity now two three times and it is getting brighter.I am trying a rise sun and i did but sun is not bright.As i was trying to make sun brighter sun fell down and it was a blue sphere of same size as it appear in the sky.I am making the sun to fly into the sun but it keep in falling down evetually i lose the lucidity and woke up.

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