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    2018-02-01 LUCIDD #239 LD ocean, pizza & beer; EB at the concert

    by , 02-01-2018 at 08:18 AM (410 Views)
    + LD LUCIDD #239
    I find myself sitting in the front passenger seat of a car looking out the left side windows. We're on a high road/bridge high above a large body of water to the left. I'm looking at it amazed at its beauty and clarity, the sun reflecting off the ripples in the water. I quickly conclude I'm dreaming because I do not recall continuity of location or how I got here. (I think I do a quick nose pinch to confirm but I'm already sure). I continue looking at the water, amazed at the detail, the vivid high definition of it all. There are some dark shapes in the water but I don't consider it further.
    Looking ahead, I realize that son S1 is driving the car and son S2 is in the back seat. I ask them "so what do you want to do? Have a Star Wars adventure? Go after some girls?" I see girls around the car and decide not to get distracted by that. I tell son S2 "hand me a piece of pizza" and reach back my hand over my shoulder and expect to feel the piece, I feel it and bring it around and take a bite (not much recollection of taste). Then I say "hand me a beer" and I reach back and feel a cold can pressed into my hand. I bring it in front of my eyes and look, it is a tall can with dark brown-orange coloring and a few large words in black. I pop the top and take a drink. At this point I'm sitting in a room with son S1 across from me and son S2 in a room behind me to my left (position like he was in in the car). S2 says "S1 is jealous of the beer!" I want to hand S2 a beer too, so I reach down around my feet and expect to feel a cold can, and after a second I do, and bring it up and hand it to S2. I tell S1 that successfully summoning items is all about expectation. Suddenly, my wife comes home and I
    lose lucidity. She immediately comments frustration on the mess all around the place after having left us alone for so long and I and the boys spring into action to tidy up. I see she is in the kitchen [unknown location/house] and has bought a bunch of food and fancy cakes which are sitting in cardboard containers on the counter.

    + I'm walking down a hallway and up ahead through some glass doors [DREAMSIGN] I see EB. We are meeting at a big concert, and I realize she got here quite early. She is nearly at the very front of a very very long line, I'm impressed she managed such a good spot. I see her car parked in the lot right behind her, I'm also amazed she managed such a good spot. I move to join her in the line and people start crowding around us taking our spots and pushing us back farther in the line.

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